Here is the view from room.
I don't know if I mentioned that I am actually here in Hawaii for work. Seriously. The Captain does not arrive until this weekend.
So until then, I lead the oh-so-glamorous life of:
* Stuffing envelopes
* Cross referencing lists
* Sitting in a ballroom dungeon organizing gifts
* Book transfers, activities, dinners and all kinds of fun stuff for other people :)
Story of my life: In glamorous exotic desinations - stuck in the hotel with my laptop.
Flippin' Sweet.
Anyway, I'm prayin' for the weekend peeps - prayin' for the weekend! I think I am going to try to sneak in a little run right now!
Aloha :)
OMG, the Bag Lady is the first commenter? Wow!
And the view from your room is making her want to weep with envy.
Enjoy your time there, and have a silly fruity drink for the Bag Lady, won't you? One with the little umbrella - but no coconut milk - she doesn't like that. :)
(The Bag Lady has never been to Hawaii, and will probably never get there. Sigh.)
I'm going to Hawaii for a week on vacation in May... it can't come soon enough!
Sucky work and all, I'm still pretty jealous. That view is awesome.
Sounds like torture! At least you will have some nice new scenery for your runs! Hope the weekend comes fast.
Aloha! If I wasn't on a different island...I would come join you for a run! And a drink!! Enjoy paradise! :)
Wow, what a view. Well, at least you are in Hawaii...can't you sneak away for a bit ?
Yeah, I'd feel bad for you, but my business trips will NEVER EVER be to Hawaii!!!!!
Hope you survive until the Cap's arrival!
Yeah, I'd feel bad for you, but my business trips will NEVER EVER be to Hawaii!!!!!
Hope you survive until the Cap's arrival!
So you live somewhere hot, but take winter trips somewhere beautiful? Not fair!!!
Have a great time! 2 more days (don't bother counting today!) til the weekend.
Can I have your job? What do you do?
I think working in Hawaii is still better than working any other place!
Definitely get out and get a run in. Soak up the scenery for us.
No worries on the 9th, probably a good one to miss with your aversion to hearts. :D
I'm sure I don't have to say this but have a great time!!
ok, so obviously, your job sucks. . . . . .no, wait. . . . .that's MY LIFE< as I'm in FREEZING michigan & would of happliy come as your un-paid assistant so you could RUN all day, or surf, or lay on the beach & I Would jsut look out the window occasionally. . .& be very, very happy.. . . . .
so, what IS your job???? :o)
Try and enjoy it as much as you can chica!
Fantabalous view! I hope you got to enjoy the run in that gorgeous scenery! Enjoy what you can till the weekned, than really ENJOY!!
still... you are in hawaii!
Make sure you find time to have fun!!!
Gorgeous view!
Oh how I would give almost anything to be in Hawaii right now! :)
Hawaii..that's awesome! Push through the next couple days and it'll be worth it when the weekend arrives. Enjoy ;)
Love the view!
The work you may doing in Hawaii might suck, but you are still in Hawaii!! Hope you have some great runs and try and have some fun too!
Oh man it looks just about perfect! I hope you are having fun!
I'm so jealous!!!!!
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