Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let The Holiday Parties Begin

Tonight is my first Christmas party of the season (my second one is Sat night) and homies...


I tried running to Nordstroms on my lunch break but nothing jumped out at me and I was not in the mood to try on anything. Oh well, I'll just be the ugliest girl there. Whatever.
Bah Humbug.

In other news, I already broke my "work out everyday until Jan 4th" goal. Yesterday I had an incredibly long and tedious day at work. After a 10 hour day, the only thing I wanted to do was eat some soup and go to bed. Which I did. However, I did wake up and run this morning.

Just want this day to end so I can pop a bottle and celebrate the season!

Song of the day: Peace and Hate by The Submarines


Unknown said...

Have fun with the celebrations!

Got anyone that you can borrow some clothing from? I recently took my sisters belt and put it over a sweater, it looked fantastic and I felt like it was a whole new outfit. So there's always that option!

10 hours is a LONG time. Soup and sleep can get you all rested up for your next workout- that run this morning!

Judi said...

i am sleeping enough for the both of us, so go have fun.

Aron said...

have fun tonight!!! i HIGHLY doubt you will be the ugliest girl there :) i have been having issues finding something to wear to my own party this sat... GAH something will come together i hope!


ooooo fun fun! I love Christmas parties I hope you find something to wear and CONGRATS youshould celebrate:)

C said...

I've got a whopping 4.6 points for the week so far. No worries, POM, you'll never be last in this challenge. ;)

Amy - the gazelle said...

I am having the same clothing dilemma - however, my (one of three or four) party isn't until NEXT Saturday.

RunToTheFinish said...

it looks a little like the logo is pushing the points out of her ummm you know

hey one day off just gives you more engery for the next day right?

X-Country2 said...

Go with a black outfit. It's cute and timeless. :o)

Good luck with your day coming to a merciful end very soon.

Emily said...

Drinks before the party always boost my self-confidence...(until I see the pictures later where only one eye has make-up on it).

You'll have a blast! I don't have any parties to go to, so remember there are less fortunate souls out there. :(

Chic Runner said...

Clothes shopping Stinks... Ugh I know your pain and holidays is a bad time to shop. Oh well, have fun anyways! :)

Anonymous said...

Ummm, Earth to Pom.... Have you seen you lately? Impossible for you to look ugly m'dear!

I vote that you throw on what every woman should throw on when faced with this situation: the LBD.
Then accessorize. And put on your favorite heels.


Jess said...

I agree with the others. Wear a LBD and accessorize. Always a good, solid choice.

jen said...

Have fun tonight! Wish I lived closer and you could raid my closet.

Last night for some weird reason I tried on all my previous fancy party dresses... they were tight, and one I couldn't even zip. :( Why did I do that to myself??

Michelle said...

Have fun girlie!!!

Good job with the morning runs!!!

Michelle said...

Yikes i don't mean the runs...

Well you know!!!


Alisa said...

Love those 10 hour days.

Have fun at the party!

Mendy said...

I seriously doubt you'd look bad in anything including a garbage bag. You look terrific!

Have fun figuring out what to wear, but better yet have a great time at the party!

J~Mom said...

I had that same panic about two weeks ago and rushed through a bunch of stores buying stuff everywhere. I still have shoes to return. Yuck!

Romance said...

I so hear you on the clothes thing. Plus an extra five pounds and not enough strength training has me hating the idea of shopping....

Hey I gave you an award over on P&P

Petraruns said...

One great top is my theory at the moment - buy one great top and wear it with jeans, black trousers and skirts etc - dress it up dress it down as my (super stylish) mother in law says. Or raiding a friend's wardrobe. Me - I still need to lose 5 lbs. And I am HATING those 10 hour days.

Robin said...

"ugliest girl there." Girl, please. You could wear a burlap sack and be one of the best looking ones. Have fun, and I hope you find something you like to wear.

Jess said...

There's no way you're going to be anything close to the ugliest girl there! Hope your parties are lots of fun!

Carolina John said...

Maybe our standards are lower here in South Carolina. But I still have a difficult time imaging a room where you could be considered the ugliest girl. no matter what you are wearing.

enjoy the party! my company party is next weekend. Kelley's got a great dress already.

eurydice said...

you are going to work out everyday! you so crazy!