Here's the story:
The weekend before I left for Mex, I went to a delightful champagne brunch with some old pals (guys and girls). As you probably know, I am not one to turn down the endless champagne that is poured. I do enjoy me some champers.
After the brunch, the guys in the group decided it was a great idea to hit up a local dive bar for more bevvies. I had to admit, it seemed like a great idea to me too. So we went to this local pit of a bar and had another.
While there, I noticed this very hot guy. I would say he could quite possibly be a perfect 10 in my dorky POM standards (I'm talkin' looks, since I don't know this guy from anyone). He was tall, very muscular but lean, not bulky creepy and he had glasses! His legs were perfect and his butt - OMG! I was watching him the entire time. I'm sure my guy friends were not so happy with that.
Anyway on the way out, I had enough liquid courage to say something to him. I said something totally amazing like, "do you work out?" I really hope that's not what I said, but I think it might be. I'm fancy like that. We chatted for a bit - I think he said he does Tri's. I then suggested that we get together some time. Yeah, really - I did. I gave him my digits and that was that.
Flash forward to me landing in LAX on Sunday. I turn my phone on to check my messages and get this... PERFECT 10 CALLED ME!!! I was so excited and wanted to hear the message again, so I hit "7". Oh shit...wait "7" is the delete button. Shit shit shit. Then I figured I could just see the incoming number on my call list. But nooooooooooo, my phone was off so it didn't capture the number.
I'm totally screwed. He's a perfect 10. He's not going to call again and again like other losers that call me a million times (Mr. Smarmy, French Canadian Old Man or the Australian CEO Sex Maniac).
**Note to self - must share the FCOM and ACSM stories with ya'll
I had another brilliant idea to go online and check my call log on my phone bill. But it's NOT on there. The call came in on April 23 or 24. And my phone bill logs the calls until the 22 and then back on 26. The days in between are lost forever.
I even had a dream about him last night. I dreamt that I saw him at the store and was able to say hi and tell him what happened.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
***UPDATE: Called Verizon and there is no way to get the number or the voice mail back. boo
Who is your cell provider? If you call customer service, they may be able to get the message back...
OMG!!! That totally sucks!! And it really sounds like something that would happen to me. I can just imagine that sick/panicked feeling you probably got in your stomach...
This might not work, but maybe you can call your cell phone company & see if they can retrieve the deleted message? I want to say that phone companies can do this if you call w/in 28 days of the message being left or something? It's worth a shot.
I agree with MissAlleycat: Call your service provider!
ahhhhh!!! i hope you can find it somehow!
I have no advice on how to retrieve your message after you have deleted and hung up your phone. I do have advice on how to retrieve it if you have not yet hung up if you have an ATT phone. If you listen to the whole recording it will give you a prompt to retrieve a recently deleted message. This is only available if you have not yet hung up after deleting.
Crapola!! I can't believe there's not a way for Verizon to get that message back. I hope beyond hope that you either see him again or that he calls again. Cannot let Perfect Butt Man get away!
same thing happened to me back in the day, only it was email, not phone, and I accidentally hit the 'spam' button (and had options set to 'delete forever immediately) instead of the reply button. I kicked myself for ages after.
My advice? head back to that bar & lurk. (I tried that, but my 10 was from San Diego, and apparently hardly ever hit the dive bar I frequented in Culver City. Of course, happy ending is that a couple of years later I met the architect, and he's pretty cool, too.)
Wow. That sucks! I say lurk. And if you never find him, justify it by telling yourself that everything happens for a reason. :)
That is the saddest thing I've heard all day :(
I know some cell phones have the otpion to listen to deleted messages?
THat totally sucks! I take it he wasn't with your guy friends, he was just a random hot guy in a dive bar?
Maybe he's a regular at that bar and you can stop by again? That really sucks.
OH NO! Keep at it, you HAVE to get that message back.
For future reference, on my voicemail system, even if I hit 7, as long as I don't hang up, I can still hit 1 and it will play the message again, it will just say it's marked for deletion. I've done that before and that's how I discovered it's not lost until you actually hang up. On my phone at least.
OH my what a friggin pain!! I have done that before but never with a number so important :)
he will call:)
Oh NO!!!!! He will call back. He will call back!! Great story though :)
You've got to be kidding me!!! That's terrible. I'm gonna send some thoughts his way- call again- call again!
Moment of silence from me.
Ok, plan is to go back to the same dive bar. He's a regular. He's got to know someone there. If not, post a sign, or do that damn Craigslist "missed encounters" thing.
I want him back for you....
If he's really interested in you, I think he'll call back. If not, he's not a perfect 10 after all.
Argh !!
Do you work out ? LOL !
Go stalk out the dive bar, or the car park and wait for him then accidently on purpose bump into him ... okay so that is a little scary crazy .. I'd totally do that!
Yes call cell phone provider pronto!!
go back to that bar and find him.
OH NO!!!! That is the saddest story ever. I actually said NO out loud when I read it!
Guess maybe it wasn't meant to be?... That really, really sucks though. Maybe you will run into him soon..
OMG!!!! NOOOOO!!! That totally sucks! Keep us posted.
craigslist missed connections! Try it!
He'll call again. Trust me.
what rotten luck? do you know his name? you could try facebook stalking him or googling his name plus something in the area. what rotten luck! maybe he'll go back to the same bar.
thanks for the link, by the way!
oh that's a tough one. i've found with verizon that you can replay messages (even if they are marked for delete) if you listen to all of the messages again during the same call to vm. once you hang up after listening to vm, it's gone. that does no good now, but might come in handy for future reference.
i like the "go back to the same dive bar and try again" idea. hope you find him!
Oh no! Here's hoping that he's as persistent in calling you as you were in trying to track down the lost call!
No, no no! You should be able to get the message if you have Verizon! I have Verizon and have stupidly erased messages before. There should be an option that says to check erased messages press 1-9. I'm almost positive. It should bring back the most recently deleted message... TRY IT!
Awww, that sucks! I've done that before.
Luckily for me (sorry, no help to you), AT&T has a feature now that allows you to listen to deleted messages...
I am so sorry.
But this means that it was NOT meant to be.
If I were you... I'd be stalking that dive bar. Seriously. Same time same place.
And French Canadian Old Man has got to be the one of the funniest things I've ever read. I don't even need the story... the name is funny enough.
Haha, that is quite the story. I agree with the idea of spending time at that bar. OR if he has a unique name you could look up triathlon results? Hmmm. Good luck. :)
That so stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the Iphone you can retrieve deleted messages for 2 weeks I think.
So sorry...maybe you'll see him again. Oh perfect 10 where are you for miss POM??!!
Oh my GOD! This is like a movie or something! You need to find it! Shit!
I have no other words.
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