Wednesday, August 26, 2009

From Poppin' Bottles to Baby Bottles

My best friend had a baby about 15 months ago and guess what, she had another one a month ago. This was my go-to girl. My party girl. My wing-woman. We actually made these pink business cards with our pics and phone numbers on them. You know "for a good time, call..." We used to answer our phones and say "Party central, this is Bunny."*

And now she's got two babies in diapers.
Two. Babies. In. Diapers.
Talk about a change. Also, she is an "import" - that's what we call the millions of people who flock to the "O.C." because it rules here. So, as an import - she has NO family here. I am her family. And I take the job pretty seriously.

Her husband has the type of job that keeps him away over night. Last night was the first full day and night that she was alone. So after work, I hit the market and went to her house to help and make dinner.** I haven't cooked anything in a while, so I hit up Mrs. F's page to see what I could find that would be healthy and easy (emphasis on the easy). Mrs. F is my go-to reference for all things hip motherly (and now Amish - I'm on book 4!) I made her pork tenderloin and HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THINGS MEAT - it was soooooooo tasty and tender and delish. I think my friend is considering leaving her husband and marrying me.*** ha ha.

Hanging with the two babies - wowsers. I can now see why she was so freaked out. I mean - how do moms with twins handle it? What if they cry at the same time? What if they poop at the same time? What if they're hungry at the same time? How can you give one the attention and not the other? This shit is hard. AND it makes me think that OCTO-Mom is really f'n crazy.

Luckily the older one can be entertained by watching Hi-5 OVER AND OVER AND OVER again****. She actually cried when it would end. I stayed with her through bath time, then bed time.

Then I went home and drank a bottle of wine, realizing that my grass is pretty green right now.

*Seriously, we did.
**See, I will be a good wifey someday.
***We have been accused of that MANY-O times.
****We all danced and danced to that stupid show and it hurt my calf. oops.


RunEatRepeat said...

You are fun :) Love the pink cards idea - if only I was still single!

Bootchez said...

This is a great cure for the childless woman (read:me). Every time (like, I think it's happened twice) I think about procreation, visit someone with a passel o'kids. Really makes the bottle of wine taste extraspecial.

Amy - the gazelle said...

Sometimes, when my biological clock starts ticking too loud, I got to a restaurant with kids in it, and then I remember how much I enjoy not having them EVER!

And then, I drink wine, too!

Heather said...

Love the cards! Every time I'm tempted to start trying for a second kiddo, I get freaked out by how much more work it will be. One is hard enough!

Julie D said...

Yep, enjoy your kid-less years!

Chic Runner said...

good lord. I'm deathly afraid of kids. seriously. ANYWAYS. ha ha. this weekend it's on. at least at some point it's on. xoxo

Amber said...

Hahahaha - aww, you're such a good friend!

You're right, though. Kids are TOUGH!

Alisa said...

I don't think I have a biological clock--kids = noise, time consuming, stretch marks, nausea, etc.

Every time I think maybe someday, I spend some time with my nieces and nephews, after that it's back to HELL NO.

Mrs Furious said...

Gee thanks :)

Tammy said...

I feel her pain. My kids are 12 months and 2 weeks apart. And, I got divorced when they were 1 and 2.

If I hadn't had my kids so young, I would never never never do it that way again.

Aron said...

GAH my friend has twin babies AND a 2 year old... my worst nightmare!

RunnerGirl said...

This is why I'm hoping for one, and only one, baby for a long, long time!

teacherwoman said...

LOL. Two babies in diapers is definitely a challenge. Wow!

Cindy said...

oh man, i don't think i could handle two kids. i'm really not sure i could handle one...
your friend is lucky to have you!

Lauren said...

Haha. I never forget to take my birth control when I'm at my cousin's house full of screaming kids.

jen said...

Wow, that's a lot of babies. Awesome of you to stick by her and lend a hand. I think I would love to spend some time with tiny ones, but I'm thinking like 15-20 minutes. And no pooping allowed.

kristen said...

Very cool of you to hang with your freind. Belive it or not freinds, married or not, don't really get what its like to have husbands gone. Your a great freind!!

...and your just figurig out that Octo mom is crazy? C'mon now.

Anonymous said...

This is why year round birth control pills were invented.

I love my nephews, but I love my quiet, clean, booze filled home more. said... that what you call those things????

not for me! and if I do end up going down that road...only going for one!


Carolina John said...

that's awesome. 15 months apart we call irish twins. my girls are 23 months apart and they were still both a handful when the youngest was a newborn. damn right it is hard! it's so hard that i chose to give up a 6 figure income and took a job where i can work from home just to be able to help my wife. it cut out 90% of my overnight travel (and 55% of my pay) and it was totally worth it. now my position is about to lose funding, but i'm hanging on as long as possible. Glad you got a taste of the challenges, but don't forget there is a reward in there too.

Carolina John said...

btw, you are a REALLY good friend to that import. We have to get some family member to drive at least 2 hours to come stay with kelley anytime i do have to go away overnight. Wish we had friends like you.

Jess said...

2 babies within 15 months?! Is she crazy?

Susan said...

You are hilarious! Agreed; I do NOT know how moms of twins do it.

Claudya Martinez said...

Man, she had those one right after the other. I'm tired just thinking about it.