Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Get By With a Little Help From My Shirt

What a tease I've been. I said I would start blogging again, then I leave you hanging. My friends, I think it will be like this for a while. You see, I am actually really really busy.

Tuesday I flew to Miami, Thursday I flew to Oklahoma City, then back home Friday. Today I have a family party and Monday I fly to Houston.

But here is my tidbit of motivation for the weekend:

Something told me to put on my Portland marathon shirt for my run this morning. This is highly unusual because I abhor running in t-shirt style shirts even if they are "tech" whatever. Seriously, that shirt is from 2008 and this is the 2nd time I've worn it. And last time, it was just to bed.

But I put it on and hit the road. About .5 miles in, it started to sprinkle. I thought to myself "hey, if I can run 26.2 miles in the rain then I can do a my measly weekend run with some sprinkles." About a mile in it started pouring, but I kept running. I have to say that I almost starting thinking I was crazy but at mile 3 it stopped and it was so fresh and clear and wonderful that I was glad I didn't turn around.

Thank you Portland Marathon T-shirt.
7 miles done :)


Amy - the gazelle said...

YAY for a good run!

I can't even imagine being that crazy busy with the traveling. I would die of an anxiety attack (or alcohol poisoning - flying is HARD for me).


Lisa's Yarns said...

Holy wow. You are traveling alot.

I did not know you ran an entire marathon in the rain. Wow. I am running Portland in October - hope I have better luck with the weather!!

Good luck keeping up with your crazy schedule!!

Susan said...

Great job! Congrats!

RunToTheFinish said...

now the next time you are in miami I expect a meet up for a run!! then again I'm traveling about like you so who knows if i'll be here

Dev said...

ha! you really did think your family party was yesterday!! oops

Alisa said...


I want a job that travels, that'd be awesome.

Laura said...
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Laura said...

Congrats on the great run! I'll have to try that trick... I certainly have enough race t-shirts I don't wear.

I should also note though that I really LIKE the Portland t-shirt!

X-Country2 said...

Clothes really do make all the difference. :o)

Christie said...

Glad you had a good run!

Kiki said...

Proud of you....whatever it takes, right?

I insist on cute workout clothes.....I know its probably against some hard core serious work out-y rule.....but I feel more motivated by them AND when I lose weight....I buy myself new stuff. I'm pathetic and's a fact.

Heather said...

Woot woot!!! Go POM!

B. Kramer said...

Lots of traveling. I can see why you're such a bad blogger. Congrats on the wet and wild run. Cheers!

Pining for Pinterest said...

Great job on the run! I would have turn back sooner :-)

Feckless said...

What a great feeling it is to run in the rain. I don't want to do it all the time, especially with my glasses getting wet, but it always feels like a better workout, even though the pace is usually slower. Great post.

prashant said...

Good luck keeping up with your crazy schedule!!
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