Friday, July 25, 2008

And Yet Another Break Up

This time... it's with my shoes.

WARNING: Shoes are like dating. Everyone has a different opinion, so please don't hate me for what I have to say.
Here goes....


I gave them a shot...133 miles worth of a shot. I wasn't sure about them at first. Then I caved (hmm... sound familiar?). But now I really think they are reason for that weird twinge in my knees. Like a sparky twinge on the outer knee.

I realize we aren't supposed to "compare" to other shoes, but my Mizunos and Asics never made me twinge.

Back to Road Runners I go.

Here are today's vitals:
10 miles: 1:31:28 = 9:04 pace

I'm off for sister and nieces fun. Peace.


Unknown said...

Aw, so sad to hear about the shoes. Just make sure that if you're going back to your ex-shoes, they treat you right:)

Maddy said...

I had to break up with the new model of "my" Nikes. And now I'm in a mad scramble to buy up all of the old model I can find.

When you spend that much time in your shoes, they better be right!

Great job on your run today!

Nitmos said...

I've never cared for Nikes. Too lumpy in the middle. Everyone's foot is different though. Reunite with some Asics?

Romance said...

I am in love with my Asics... I was flirting with the Nikes, but no... I just go back to the same shoe with whatever update there is over and over and over... I am a serial monogamous with my Asics...

BeachRunner said...

Nice run. Efff those Nikes. They had their chance and they couldn't get the job done. Good lucking finding the right shoe. Have a great time with Sis/Nieces today.

Aron said...

thats why i LOVE road runners!! i took my brooks back with over 150 miles and blood stains on them... definitely try something new.

and from yesterday sounds like its time for something new on the boy front too!

awesome job on the run today!!

doctorval said...

I was never attracted to Nikes. I mean when I was a kid we wore them to play hoop, and they're hot and everything, but just not my flava.

Marcy said...

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, but in a way I'm glad. Now I get to hog all this Nike love to myself :P ;-)

Aka Alice said...

I LOOOOOVE RRS for taking back shoes that don't work. I took back two different pairs of Saucony shoes before I got to my current New Balance (ugly, but work for me)...

Robin said...

Oh no!

Have a great weekend. :)

Ian said...

Marcy is totally the "other woman" your Nike's were probably sneaking out for runs with her while you were working late.

sarah (SHU) said...

you reminded me that i need to replace my shoes (brooks glycerin 5s!). the worst is when you have a model that you are MARRIED to and it gets discontinued (or 'upgraded', but you don't think they needed an upgrade!). it's like your husband inexplicably bailing after many happy years of marriage.

teacherwoman said...

Sounds like you are doing the right thing! Nice job on the run!

B. Kramer said...

Some shoes just feel like home. You might go steppin' out with another, but you always come back.

RunnerGirl said...

Nikes have never worked for me either, I'm a Mizunos girl all the way.

Anonymous said...

Somehow Nike changed their shoe in the 90s and then it screwed up my whole game. I've hated them since- like walking on boulders. I love my Adidas and Mizunos. LOVE THEM

Erin said...

I banned Nikes about 10 years ago - they ALWAYS give me shin splints!

Ali said...

Nike's - good on paper shoes

audgepodge said...

I don't have the knee twinge, but I'm definitely not loving my Vomero3 as much as I loved my Vomero2+. I might just keep them for my shorter runs. I bought last season's Asics (on sale, of course!) that I might try out instead for long runs.

RooBabs said...

Great run! I am about ready to break up with my Nikes, too. But I didn't buy them at a running store, so I blame myself mostly. They're just too narrow in the toes for me- sometimes my middle right toe goes numb. Plus my (off and on) knee pain is in that same spot (like a stabbing pain on the outer side)!

I'm like a battered woman who keeps going back to the same jerk because I don't know any better.

Have a fun weekend!!

Kate said...

I've never had much lucky with Nike's myself, I've always been a New Balance girl, but I just got a pair of Asics and just adore them!

C said...

Some things work out, others don't. Eh. It's the way of things.

Have a fun family-filled weekend.

Kevin said...

There are so many shoes out there, Im sure youll find the right one sooner or later

N.D. said...

I never liked nikes, I don't think they know how to make running shoes. I like Mizunos and Brooks.

J~Mom said...

There are plenty of other fish in the pond. ;>)

Viv said...

Hope you have a great time with the fam! Nike is just so aggressive they make us think we want him, but the cute nerdy Asics is just as hot.

OK this sounded funny in my head. I really need to stop with the wine for a while.

Viv said...

Great run getting those long runs in on Friday...WTG! That new schedule is doing great freeing up your weekend.

Mendy said...

Nice fast run there, girl! I've never been a Nike running shoes fan either.

That lost post was a hoot.

Crissy Rae said...

Shoes can be the devil. My Nikes and I are not on speaking terms right now. One of them rubs on the top of my foot creating a never-ending blister so I have to wear bandaids before I even start running. I think it's time we break up too.

Lily on the Road said...

Never like Nike products personally, it is the small third world child sitting on a mat for 20hours a day making products thing that turned me right off of them years ago. Okay, got that out of my system.....LOL

I love my Saucony's....stuck with them for 8, not the same pair!!! LMAO...

good luck on the shoe hunt.

Lily on the Road said...

Never like Nike products personally, it is the small third world child sitting on a mat for 20hours a day making products thing that turned me right off of them years ago. Okay, got that out of my system.....LOL

I love my Saucony's....stuck with them for 8, not the same pair!!! LMAO...

good luck on the shoe hunt.

Michelle said...

p.o.m. i am sorry you had to breakup with Nike! Breakups are always hard but you, my friend are strong!!!

Dude!! 10 miles??? Oh my, i am so behind you in running! Literally, i am half your running!! I'm jealous in a way! But i root you on p.o.m.

Have a great weekend!!!

carla said...


can we still be friends.

Im not sure.

I HEART the nikes.

oh yeah, I barely run.

Duly Noted.

Brianna said...

Kind of like guys - you never know until you give them a shot, take 'em to your favorite places and see how they react. Isn't it great to know there are others out there?! Good luck finding the winning pair - they're just waiting for you, I know it. :)

Christine said...

I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE Nikes to run in. Unfortunately they are the "cutest" of the shoes. It is often difficult to convince ones self of function over fashion...but buy a few pairs of nikes and you will definitely realize. It's however not to be stated that you will never wonder...and may perhaps make the mistake in a year or so and forget how bad they are (did that with the nike ipod shoes). It only takes about 2 runs to realize that they will forever be "the cute shoes to go out in and look sporty...but not run in" hahaha

Tigerlilly said...

Sorry to hear about the shoes... always a sad day when that happens.

I moved my blog... I am now at:

Anonymous said...

I've never been a Nike gal either. You've gotta go with what works best for you!!

And the same goes for that Aggressor! =)

Mel-2nd Chances said...

i ditched my Nike's today too! i've been having major aches and pains lately! I bought a pair of Adidas after my run, so hoping these will be better. Good luck finding one that works for you too!

holly said...

I hope you find some shoes that treat you right! I had an affair with Nikes once too, and it was anti-climactic. They were always rubbing me the wrong way ;)

Charmaine said...

Running Question: Sort of.

Surfer Dude and I have been running stairs/ ramps at the beach in CDM. Today, this trainer guy watched me run up a ramp (which is probably quite a spectacle". He said running heel-toe was not correct that I should run on my toes to build quads. Huh? Then he said, try running barefoot and then run heel toe and tell me what happens. Is this true?

Jess said...

Just like men who don't fit right cause pain, shoes follow the same pattern. Good to dump them.

Jess said...

I've never been a Nike lover either. Ditch them like a bad first date haha.

Can't wait to hear about your new kicks.

Heather said...

I love love love Asics and HATE my new New Balance mall-walker shoes. They are terrible, and they make my feet hurt. I should have just bought Asics. Dammit.

Alisa said...

I LOOOOOOOOOVE my Mizuno's (sadly, haven't gotten to use them much lately, they are feeling neglected). Hate all things Nike---EXCEPT my tempo shorts, those rock!

Nancy said...

Oh that's sad. Worse than the boy. I hope you find the right ones soon. I've been there... not sure I still have the right ones for me. Or maybe it is just the terrible feet. :P

Nice lil 10 miler.

Reluctant Runner said...

When it comes to running shoes, you have to play the field until you find Mr. Right ... and his friend Mr. Left, of course.

Anonymous said...

Smart move, no point in running in shoes you do not like.