These are the men that I am totally ga-ga over.
I know - judge me... go ahead. Bring it on.
Grey hair, older men with muscles, glasses, nerdiness...
Wow, is it getting warm in here?
Discuss in the comments all you want.
I might consider taking drugs so I can have a private session with Dr. Drew. (KIDDING PEEPS)
Haha... love your choices! Nothing wrong with intelligent men.
BTW - I love when Anderson Cooper gets together with Kathy Griffin b/c she always brings out the fun side of him :)
I love your choices. I, too, have a thang for older men with gray hair. They must carry themselves exceptionally well and be able to carry on a conversation about anything. Oh yeah, they must also totally dig me. LOL!
Niiiiice choices.
You don't want the drugs in your system with Dr. Drew. You will want to be totally and completey aware of the moves he's making on you during your session. You don't want to take the chance of drugs getting in the way of that.
Oh, hell's yeah sister.
Especially AC...sigh...
I share the AC crush. :)
OMG those 2 are TOTALLY on my list. Dr Drew ooooo la la. I remember having the hots for him when he was on LoveLine on MTV. Uhhhh I was like 15 back then LMAO. I guess I like em older?!? I don't know maybe I have Daddy issues or something HAHA, but dayum good choices ;-)
Are you running this weekend? I'm going to die next weekend. I'm thinking of running an 10ish miler if you want to join email me @danicakoo@gmail.com
Love AC! I took my picture with a cut out of him in Atlanta when I was there for Chick-fil-A bowl on New years. I might get it framed...
Dr. Drew is a total piece of ass. And he's not my standard "type", but he's super hot. Smart. Kind. Understanding.
And now I'm wondering why none of these things are my "type".
I decline to comment.
i TOTALLY feel you here!
I'm right there with you re: Dr. Drew. :-)
Haha I have a friend from high school who looooved Anderson.
Same type of man - but Rahm Emanuel is hot to me. . . so is Keith Olberman. It's a liberal sickness.
And here I thought for sure it was going to be a picture of me lying next to the dumpster after my race. ;)
I am a huge an of the silver fox myself. Hey, you got me into bikram and now I am hooked. I am hoping it helps me with my running as well- but regardless I am loving it. I am up at the crack of dawn, OK its still dark, so I can attend 3-4 times a week and get home in time to get the girls up and fed- and then run....thanks
I'm not gay but i would totally take it from anderson cooper.
and i never notices how much those two look alike...
Don't blame you a bit!
Mmmmmmmmm looks good to me!
You know Anderson Cooper is gay, right? I mean, it's totally cool to have a crush on a gay guy, but just so ya know, he may never return the crush...
I heart Anderson Cooper!
I think AC is hot too.... but Jess beat me to the punch. how many hot gay guys are out there? lots and its ok for me to oogle them right? Dr. Drew... ahhh..... dr. drew.
Cooper I get...but really Dr. Drew?
Dr. Drew???? Really??? Hmmmm...now AC there we go!
You should totally get hooked on meth. At least you'd clean 24/7. I'd consider that a plus.
just kidding. :)
Rahm Emanuel for sure!!! He gets to work directly with Obama!!! How powerful is that???
WOOHOO i am feeling it!!!!!
Those are both good choices! I think instead of nerdiness, it's their intelligence that you like. Intelligent men are nice to have around-as long as they're not too cocky about actually having a brain.
and youre not coopers, errrr, type right?
or is that all a rumor??
I am a sucker for guys with gray hair. Younger guys with gray hair, not like, guys in their 80's.
But yeah girl, I don't think you're Anderson's type.
I have no room to talk... I have the major hots for Mark Harmon! Don't get me started!
I think Dr. Drew is totally hot! and I like Anderson Cooper too. After seeing Pierce Brosnan sing SOS in Mama Mia though, he currently has my attention...if only I could get my husband to sing like that to me!
I'm with you...do you remember what my husband looks like? yum.
I'm with you...do you remember what my husband looks like? yum.
I've always had a thing for older men (dated a 27-year old when I was 18, and a 29-year old when I was 20). The Hubs is only 5 years old, but he gets more gray by the day, and he's a total nerdy smart guy- but hot.
And I had no idea AC was gay. Too bad, 'cause he's a looker.
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