Well I finally did it. I got my big booty up and RAN.
Yes, ran.
Being that there is a little race coming up THIS weekend (Surf City Half Marathon) I thought it might be a good idea to run a little bit. Mind you, it's been like over 2 weeks since I've run. I don't know what's going on with me. 

I decided I would go for about 5 miles. At the turn around point, I was still feeling good so I kept running.
All is well.
Happy POM running along then at 5.5 miles...
I pulled something. I tried to walk it off. But damn, it hurt.
It's not quite my calf, but lower like deep Soleus (whatever the hell that means). So I limped the rest of way home. And it hurt.
It hurt all day. I wish Dr. Drew would come over and rub it out for me.
I knew this would happen. I'm not a novice. I should have taken it slow and increase my mileage slowly. Eased back into it. But NOOOOO, I still have it in my head that "I ran the marathon in 3:48, I can do anything" mentality. But, duh - I trained my butt off for that. I can't just go from Lazy Ass to Queen Runner without training.
Stupid POM (bangs head on wall).
I am going to try to do yoga tonight because in my whacked head, yoga cures all.
Then try again running tomorrow.
But this race, this race is scaring me. A frightened little runner, I am.
I'm doing it come hell or high water, but I'm not expecting to bash any P.R.'s or anything. I'm just going for fun and to meet some cool blogger peeps.
So let's have a little shout out to see who will be there....
Surf City... Calling All Surf City Runners....
OH NO :( thats not fun!!! i hope some yoga and stretching can make it better! i wish i was down there for surf city this weekend but ill be in SF doing the KP half!!
i'll be up near bolsa chica, so i may see you around mile 8.
oh no! That's no good! Hope it gets to feeling better soon!
i'll be there--i'm running the full with my boyfriend Billy (larunner.blogspot.com). i hope your calf feels better soon!
Uhm...yeah. That's exactly the same muscle I tore back in September 23rd, 2008 at 7:15 playing tennis-running to get a ball. BE CAREFUL WOMAN! If it hurts to walk on it you may have caused a minor tear- ICE, ICE, ICE! and rest. Don't pull it..it needs 2-3 days rest before you can stretch it or it will kill you.
Ouch. That sucks! Hope yoga helps you stretch it out, I don't do Bikram yoga but I started regular yoga and it has majorly helped with my shin splints!
Oh man! I just did the same thing. Ran once in 2 weeks, then took off for a 22 mile run and blew out both knees. what fun!
Ice it! And frankly, I wouldn't do yoga. Stretching it may not be good if you truly did pull or strain it.
You can do it, just be careful.
oh boy. Hope you feel better and yoga cures everything!
Ugh...what terrible timing. Don't push yourself too much tomorrow. Take some advil and stay off of it today.
Sorry to hear about your calf :( i know how it feels and your right it hurts like hell!
Anyways I came across your blog and wanted to get in touch with you but I couldn't find any email address. I am really interested in sponsoring blog. If this is something that you would like to discuss with me please email me.
Thanks and hope you feel better,
Oh my email is ayepez522@gmail.com ...
Thanks !
In my mind yoga cures all too!
OUCH chica...be careful. It's just one race don't do anything that is going to permantely put you outta commission.
I know a few peeps running Surf City...sadly I'm not one of them.
Goodness! I hope it clears up ASAP.
Ditto on the icing!!!! Like forever!!!
Good luck chica!!! Please be careful and listen to the body!!!
My broken toe and myself are rooting for you girlie!!!!
Ah! I hope you are feeling better asap! :( I'm glad you're still going to do the race though. I was like man, POM's not going to do it? then AGAIN we won't meet up and I'll be stalking people on the boardwalk forever. ha ha.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you do and find out later that maybe that was too much. Lots of good advice already given but most of all, don't beat yourself up too much about it. BTDT!
I will be there for the Full
Geez I just commented forever here and lost it, maybe that is best.
POM I am concerned chickie. That is exactly where I tore my calf muscle like (still practicing for this weekend)in the belly of the calf. It was gradual not the pop thing. I kept cycling and such then bam there it went. Why I am doing the 5K this weekend in a run/walk fashion. (so sad.. all the way to Cali for a 5K, but all is paid for might as well have fun)Anywhoo just please watch it as I know you will. You did not become awesome by any other way right?!?
Even if you can not run for some reason still plan on metting up. Take care of it. Do the IBU 600mg every 6 not just for the pain so it can serve the anti inflamation purpose correctly.
I've had a pain in my lower calf (you could stick your thumb in the spot). I don't know if it's the same thing but I was told to wrap the arch of the foot with tape. There is a tendon that run from the arch up the calf and it gets tight/inflamed if your arch is collapsing.
Maybe have a massage before the race?
I'm a 100% yoga believer too ... it works magic
your head isnt whacked, sisterfriend.
yoga DOES cure all.
OMG. I am sorry to hear about your sore muscle. The weird thing... I "hurt" the same muscle as you on my longer run yesterday. It hasn't caused too much pain, but it is definitely noticeable.
I hope yours feels better soon!
try a massage - that might get rid of it. good luck, i hope the yoga helps.
Maybe just a good dr. drew dream will cure you?
Oh I like that quote "come hell or high water" - I should make that my quote for boston! I hope that yoga helped, I agree with yoga cures all! Hope it gets better!!
yikes! I hope it's just a temp thing. Rest up and hopefully, you will be fine by this weekend.
I'm running and I'm not sure I'll be setting any PRs myself. I was hoping to run it in under 2, but I'll be happy finish at the rate I'm going!
Oh man! That is SUCKY!!! I hope yoga works it's magic. Side note - thanks for the picture comment on FB. Cracked me up today! I think he's cute. That's the problem!
Dr Drew will only show up for your leg if it is addicted to crystal meth or something...
That sucks! But I think the yoga will help a bit. Stretch it out and keep the good attitude about the race. Just go have some fun.
Good luck!!!!
You're like yoga queen, so no doubt it'll work. Best of luck in your race this weekend.
Ice Ice baby!
stretch, ice and take it easy on yourself! Have you got any good physios / doctors you can go see?
Rest and take things easy. I did the same thing and it has taken me a few weeks for it to feel better. Listen to your body.
Take it easy, P.O.M., and live to run another day.
I'm with Nitmos (did I just say that?), take care, you want to be running for a long, long time!!!
alright girl get to YOGA!!!!
Oh no! I hope your in top running condition again soon!
I always do itsh like that... when I have a lapse in running, I go back into thinking I can pick up right where I left off and then I am a hurting unit. Patience is not my strong suit when it comes to fitness.
Doh! That totally sucks. Take it easy, though, and don't push it. Do it for fun, like you say. And I'm so jealous, cuz you get to hang with my girl, Viv. Say "hi" for me!! = )
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