The silver fox in the red shirt is my dad - remember the one who told me to diversify my workouts! The hottie in the black and white shirt is my grams - lookin' pretty good, I do say so myself. I'm not allowed to say her age. Actually I don't think any of us really know her age. I call her Nanny-O because she reminds me of Jackie-O.
Ok, I lied. I'm not going to spare the details of my dining room dilemma. My dream table... dark wood, square with a leaf to make it a large rectangle. Not the tall "bar" type that are popular, but the short, regular kind. Not curvy or fancy - just straight lines, sleek. That's all I ask for. I've been looking everywhere and finally found it! But it's a lot more money than I wanted to spend. I can get the same table without the leaf for about half the cost. But I really want the leaf so that more than 4 people can sit/eat at the same time - in the event that I ever have more than 4 people over. Which I probably won't because I'm neurotic. But I still want the option. Friends, I have been looking and looking. Should I just buck up and pay the price for what I really want?
Oh yes, also running 12 miles tomorrow. Planning on driving down to my old beach path. Just hope this naggy allergy cough goes away.
Pay the money and get the set you want. Your time is worth money, too, and you've searched long enough!
I had a hard time finding what I really wanted. And, I was being really picky. Dining room tables, especially wood, can be very spendy and I wasn't about to settle!
It's month well worth spending! I have lived in my house 7 months now and have many memories around this table!
I definitely think if its something that you will want for a long time and is a big part of the house (dining room table) its worth spending the money on. If you skimp and get something you dont really love then you will want to replace it eventually anyways.
ps you should totally get a kitty :)
I agree - if it's something you really have your heart set on & won't put you in danger of not being able to pay your mortgage, go for it. I also second Aron's suggestion about the kitty :)
Spend the extra money for what you really want. I've had my dining table for 10 years. If I had realized I would still have the same dining table, I probably would have gotten something different. Basically, you never know how long you will use it, so get what you really want. In a couple of years, you won't miss the extra money, but if you get the smaller table, you will spend the next who knows how many years looking at a table that isn't what you wanted, and regretting not spending the money.
Sorry for the rambling post. I've had a couple of glasses of wine. ;)
You have a goodlooking family!
I say spend the money on the table. As far as I can remember, my parents have had 2 dining tables. The first one was sold when I turned 16, and they still have the one they replaced it with...and it survived a move from Holland to Indonesia. So it's well worth it. Plus what you described doesn't sound too trendy, so it should work no matter what! Unless you decide to buy white or light brown furniture.
Buy the one you want. If it's a classic as it sounds, you will never be sorry. And the leaf is such a good thing....
Think about the table over the weekend. If you still feel like you really like it and it's the one on Monday, go buy it. But if your feelings cool for it and you feel like keeping your cash close, skip it. You'll always be able to find something like you describe.
You got some good lookin genes!
Spend the money. The first time you realize you can't have the extra people sit at the table, you'll be pissed.
Nice furniture is an investment. It's not like your wasting money.
If this is a table you will have or want for years than pay the extra cash now. Plus, if you don't get it know and it is perfect you know you won't find it again.
wow you are at 12 miles already, you lied when you said you are just starting back up!
I want the same table. I can't believe that something so simple is so expensive. I would invest if I were you. Dining room tables last forever.
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