I did it!!!
I dieted
and sweated
and starved
and ran
my way into the dress.
The proof my friends>>>>>>>
Yes, it was snug especially in certain areas, but it fit. You can see actually that the straps are loose. I would have had to get it altered if I got the size up.
So anywhooooo, please don't do what I did.
Let this be a lesson to you all.
you don't look like a sausage, so win! (Actually you look very nice - way to go.)
I, too, would need to crash diet to fit into a 4 these days...the last 6 months have not been kind to my figure, either.
(Just remember - now you you HAVE to continue Bikram-ing & running...)
You look GORGEOUS Dawlink!!!
Hooray! You look fab.
I did something similar a couple of years back. Put on a few lbs after ordering my dress and ufda, it was pretty tight! But the dang thing zipped up! :)
Nice work, POM! Lookin' good in that cute dress.
You have a hottest boobs.
It might not have fit perfect but you look absolutely beautiful in it.
you look fabulous! aside from the straps (that you brought to my attention), it looks perfect.
You look great girl! Nice job!
Looks great on you! Way to go POM.
you look great anyway. I noticed that 3 months off any activity other than PT and some walking has not changed my weight on the scale but spindly arms and legs and a chubby flabby ass and mid section is what I got instead. LOL
My local Bikram yoga offers the first consecutive 10 days for $10. I think I'm starting monday then just buying 5 at a time after that. how often do you go? How often do you prefer to go?
Put on a few lbs after ordering my dress and ufda, it was pretty tight! But the dang thing zipped up! :)
home based data entry
You look fabulous! Way to go.
I saw these on FB and wanted to comment -- NICE WORK! Lookin HOT!
LOL I like how you did a public service announcement there. I'm not going to starve myself but I should grab a pair of pants that are a little snug and use those as motivation not to eat junk food.
Love that color on you!
Im glad youre back!! I am too! (glad the dress fits too!)
You look great - congrats!
You look fab= not surprised you did it.
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