I could right endless blogs about my dear mother (and I think I might have to start). While we have always had our differences (and still do) I have reached a point where I accept her as she is. But that still gives me the right to laugh, point and make fun of her as I see fit.
The Mom-ism of the day:
Me: Ok mom, well I gotta go. I want to get a run in before it gets too dark.
Mom: Oh, you run in the dark? Be careful. Do you have a light on your helmet?
Uhm... helmet? Mom, I don't run in a helmet. But maybe I should. Maybe I should.
That is HYSTERICAL! Good luck on your run this weekend! Are you taking Big G with you?
hahahaha, that is totally cracking me up :)
That is hilarious!!
Did anyone else have a Spaceballs moment and proclaim "HAIL LORD HELMET!"
No? Ok :-( *slumps back into the darkness of the internets in search for lost sanity*
I could use a helment just for crash purposes. Perhaps she's on to something here.
ROFLMAO!!! Ooohhhhhh my! That's freekin funny!
hahahhaha that is exactly what my mom would say. hahahahahaha.
I just laughed so hard I spit water on the screen!
That is great!
Lol. That is too funny.
So, you don't wear a helmet? I thought all runner did!!! Too, cute!
sorry, that should be runners.....
Okay, that got a laugh out of me. Just the picture of running around with my bike helmet on... it's a good look....
If it was the same helmet in your picture I would run with one. Beer. Good.
OMG that is laugh out loud funny!
Don't forget to oil your chain!
That post LITERALLY made me laugh out loud, and then send your post to my own mom, because that is totally something she would say (in case she reads the comments, hi Mom!).
Okay, now I have to double-comment in order to add my mom's response when I told her it reminded me of her: "Well, safety first!"
LOL - that is too funny. Found your blog on Jen's....
you should definitely run the half marathon with that hat. the captain would be proud of that! have fun tomorrow!
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