Monday, May 5, 2008

Hotel Repeats

Kinda like Mile Repeats...
But it involves
(You might notice the cheese platter ain't got nuthin' on me. I conquered that baby!)


doctorval said...

I bow to your skillz.

Amy - the gazelle said...

I, too, can challenge a cheese plate and win every time.

Oooh - maybe we should have a cheese duel. :)

Nancy said...

I wish you were at MY hotel. I just did a fantastic run by the Charles River in Boston. Then we could've shared the wine and cheese.

marie said...

Cheese is life.

J~Mom said...

It's just wrong that I get left over mac and cheese and you get cheese platters. SIGH LOL

Kiki said...

I just bought a brand new platter with the intent of using it for some cheese plate...its a sickness for me, I love the cheese.

carla said...

am I getting this correctly?

If I take up race running I HAVE to eat cheese and drink wine?

IM IN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcy said...

LMAO! Switch that cheese to twinkies and I'm all over it :P

TNTcoach Ken said...

Ha, more healthy eating!

Robin said...

We would be perfect hotel roommates. I would eat all the crackers, and you can eat the cheese. We would have to share the wine though.

Viv said...

Way to get that calcium & fruits in ;-)

The hotels I usually stay in, I have to run down to the corner and hope they have Strawberry Hill..LOL!

Anonymous said...

It seems I'm always staring wistfully at your photos - whether it is of some exotic locale that I hope to visit, or a mostly eaten plate of cheese.

Brianna said...

We like cheese so much we buy it by the "holida brick o' cheese" loaf size. Yum!

MissAllycat said...

You'll have to send me your wine & cheese training plan. :)

Unknown said...

IS there a better combination than wine and cheese?! (besides maybe wine and chocolate...)

Lily on the Road said...

Looks good to me! Wine is good for you!!

Mendy said...

My favorite combinations for dinner - Wine, cheese, and crackers. Nuttin better!

If you ever come to the south, we got a wine/cheese place you'd love!

teacherwoman said...

I need to travel for work with yoU!!

Carly said...

Looks like my perfect dinner!

Carly said...

Looks like my perfect dinner!

Creatingadiva said...

running, wine and cheese, I'm so IN!

Crissy Rae said...

Cheese and wine, what a nice way to spend time in the hotel. Yummy!

Jess said...

Oh, I luv me some cheese!

Elizabeth said...



Petraruns said...

Wow girl I am BEEHIND on your life! Just been catching up and it looks like I caught you at an opportune moment - just loading up on cheese and red wine.. Good stuff!

You sound like things are going better since I last checked? Apart from the bipolar thing? Hope I'm right. In the meantime, drink red wine and eat cheese. It numbs most things, even nerves...

And next time I'm in California I'm heading further south so i can run with you fast girl!

Angry Runner said...

Please tell me you're at least Silver at Marriott and/or Hilton...

If not Gold, which would be VERY impressive...

Nibbles said...

How were the crackers? :-)