Once again, I take the WORST race photos evah!
I swear I should teach a class on this:
Foto Flop 101: How to run past a photographer and NOT get your pic taken.
Foto Flop 110: How to look like a tool running
Foto Flop 120: Odd Faces and hand gestures.
Please note this is an advanced course. F.F. 101 and 110 are a prerequisite.
I'm only posting these because they are the best. The others... not so much. I had to block out certain bits and pieces for the sake of the children.
Song of the Day: Love Lockdown by Kanye West
LMAO at the little black bar.
Ha ha, sensoring yourself. Love it! I took some pretty random pictures this past weekend too! :)
Hey, you get a PIC or a PR, but not both all right? Sheesh, some people want everything. :)
LOVE the sensored picture!!! You are too funny!! Great job POM, you totally rocked it out!
PS - thanks for the "broken hearts heal eventually"....
hahaha :) love the sensoring.
But check out the muscle definition - nice job, POM! Makes me want to sign up for some Bikram :)
And yes, I love the censoring - you are too funny!
Love the sensored nips!
These are way better than mine from San Diego...I was having a great time but all the photos show me looking like I might die.
P.S. Love the new Kanye song.
cracks me up like nothing else!
ROFLMAO! Ooohhh girl you look great! Who are you kidding? ;-)
You look great and fit and lean and ripped... WTG
little chilly out? :)
You look gorgeous, but I hear ya on thinking race photos are the worst ever. I usually look like I'm about to keel over dead. And those are the good ones! :)
LOL! Can't stop laughing. Your pictures are wonderful, don't be so hard on yourself.
Love, love, love the tag!
Yikes. I just look miserable in all of mine. I've never thought they were obscene. Kudos to taking it up a notch.
Great photos! The little black bar awesome. Great job again on the run.
Fabulous censoring bar. At first I thought you had some saying on your shirt that you didn't want to post, but then on seeing the other pic, I realized what you were censoring and started cracking up.
Your post and the comments were cracking me up! The "pic or a PR" post really made ma laugh!
Dude, I look like a retarded stroke victim that got beat with an ugly stick for quite sometime prior to being force fed gallons of pure lemon juice.
Really, there was nothing sexy about Portland this time 'round.
I can only hope my Chicago pictures are half as good as yours.
Congrats on an awesome race!
You're fantastic!
hahah the censor line cracks me up!
Hey it's a photo of you running a marathon...'nuff said!
Your legs are smokin though! Look at those muscles!
Honestly, I don't think I have ever seen a decent race picture of anyone, especially a marathon. Running 26 miles is ug-lay.
And I would take bad pictures for your time any day ;)
you crack me up...nothing worse than stalking photog's when the headlights are on high beam....
I have YET to get a picture worth even stealing (watermark and all) because they have ALL been AWFUL! Not even ONE from Cowtown. You know what they had as my pic for my bib #? The freakin' starting line. YEA! Do you think I was at the starting line? No I was back with the 9min/mile group. DUH!
I feel your pain. Headlights? Nips showing? yea thats me too. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
LOL. Thanks for making it G-Rated! I love the finish line photo!
Re: eyelash extensions... They totally rock. I love them and never want to be without! Oh and no, they don't mess up your natural lashes. Unless you yank off the fake ones. Then the real ones might go with them. I do miss rubbing my eyes, though. But it's a small sacrifice!! :-)
At least you looked engaged in what you were doing - think they catch any folks picking their noses or scratching themselves? Aren't you glad you avoided THOSE shots?! :)
Your censorship cracks me up. I think your picture is actually pretty good. And hello? Check out the definition in your arm and legs!! God bless bikram (I really need to try this). The finish line pic is awesome!
Besides, you look way better than the guy next to you (he's getting beaten by a girl- that must suck!)
You are too funny. I wish I knew how to do that with pictures. haha
Just giggled at the sight of the sensored picture! LOL! Too funny!
p.o.m haha your funny! When i completed my one and only marathon my photo is of me looking down at my watch, not with hands up in the air, DOWN!!! :O)
You look great!!
Oh my goodness. I hope you really didn't need to censor that photo, you poor thing! I hope it was just for comedic effect. It was funny though, necessary or not.
nothing to be ashamed of, sweetie.
Who cares what you look like running, you totally rocked the PR!! :D
At least you look like you are running, in the one I just posted i look like I'm going to die on the spot
I think you look fine silly!! The black bar is hilarious!
You definitely have to be on the look out for those little bugger photographers. Not to worry, I don't find aerodynamics offensive.
I think the photographers at Portland sucked. My pictures are normally not great, but the ones I got were AWFUL. And they missed me at two points, too.
Aw I like them! They look cute and happy.
I just started reading your blog and you are as funny as you are fast. What a great time and I was looking at it compared to your last - wow, I'm hoping for the newbies here you might share some of your training secrets. I would love to shave an hour off my marathon time. (Just ran Chicago - not so good, heat kicked my butt.)
Loving the bar -- very Girls Gone Wild commercial. :)
That little black bar is very funny! I love the one of you crossing the finish line. You can feel your exuberance. (Did I spell that right?) Don't be so hard on yourself POM. Anyone who takes a good photo while trying to run 26 freakin' miles is clearly an alien from outter space. Besides, you look beautiful in both these shots! Love yourself girlie! You're worth it!
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