I was at my local watering hole with a girlfriend, having some adult bevies. We were soon approached by a slew of young fellas for the normal bar banter. At some point I said something about them being too young for me. Then the question came up. "well, how old are you?" Being un peau tipsy (and obviously not thinking) I said, "How old do you think I am?"
Young boy replied, "35 or 36."WHAT?
HUH? Are you kidding me? Not that 35 or 36 is old AT ALL. But I'm only 32! And men (not young boys) are smart enough to guess YOUNGER rather than older. I typically get assessed as being 28 or maybe 30 at the most.
Apparently the look of confusion/anger/sadness on my face prompted young boy to explain himself. He quickly said, "It's the toe ring. A dead give away. No woman in her 20s wears those anymore." I looked at my perfectly manicured toes (probably covered in blisters), licked my fingers and slid the toe ring right off.
Now you might be thinking, POM, why on earth do you care what this young douche bag of a fella thinks about your toe ring?

I will tell you why. SHINY JUMPSUIT!
I had a flashback to my mom and her shiny jump suit. She loved that jump suit and had it for a good couple decades. It was comfortable and she thought it was so cute. But we all knew that the time of the jumpsuit had passed and she just couldn't let go.
So I let it go. I tossed my 10 year old toe ring into the trash. I don't want to be that lady that gets stuck in an era. It's bad enough that I look at kids in high school and think "What the hell are they wearing?" Shoot, I look at kids in college and think that too.
I'm off to read my new InStyle!
well, ya don't look 36... :) too funny about the flashback and the jump suit though LOL
this is hysterical! i recently lost my toe ring and have been wanting to get another one... but nevermind now! methinks i remember that jumpsuit of your moms??
Oh my goodness, this is so funny! You do not look 35 or 36. That boy was obviously drunk. You have to admit, high school and college age style is awfully tragic now-a-days (there I go dating myself)
Not that a man's opinion is worth much in fashion (and mine is usually worth less than average in that department), but both my wife and mother in law have toe rings.. (and they're both past their 20's, of course). I think it's fine..
I'd chalk it up to him being drunk.
Am I the only one who thinks that shiny jumpsuit DOES look comfy?
I lost my toe ring, which was on since college (10 years!) and was devastated. I guess it was a sign...
I always thought that I'd know when certain style affectations I had would become outdated, but apparently we are less aware of those trends that we though. *sigh* I never even had a toe-ring.
Damn it... now I have to throw mine away too. If the hubby keeps this up I need to look younger than I am to find myself a man. Just kidding.
LOL!! I think my mom had the same one....during her 'frosted' hair stage..(like Angela on 'Who's the Boss?') haha...I laugh just thinking about it. But silly boys...30's the new 20 afterall. Men are annoying. My husband always get's carded and I don't..drives me nuts!
another thought. This boy... how the hell would he know that toe rings are outdated unless he was either gay or had a stupid girlfriend who's stupid friend told ehr they were for old ladies and he happened to overhear. Either way... I'm off to dig mine out of the garbage. ( I hope its still on top).
LOLing to myself. Hahaha. Some 'bag called you old hahaha.
Oh Gawd, now I have to get rid of my jump suit too??!!
OK seriously . . .what man pays attention to feet?!? I think Tina is onto something . . .looks like HE's the one that reads In Style. Asshole.
LOL at Tina and Marcy (and agreeing with them totally).
The jumper outfit reminds me of something you would see on Golden Girls.
too funny...every day when I go out and ask myself- do I have anything ridiculous on?
OMG, that is so funny. And you do not look dated or old so DWAI!! (Oh no - are acronyms an indicator of old age too?)
I bet in your InStyle magazine they have that EXACT jumpsuit. that thing is totally back in style now! Even the color!
I wore my toe rings for about 14 years. I finally took it off when I trained for my first half because I messed up my toe wearing it on a long run. Since I have pretty much been training ever since I never put it back on.
But seriously, I think that kid was looking for an excuse and the toering was the first thing he saw.
What a funny, albeit embarrassing, moment. Boy was idiot.
I got my cartilage pierced a few months ago (and I'm almost 48). I just took it out yesterday. Nobody could see it. It felt icky. And it made me feel like I was trying too hard, ya know? (Did the same thing with my belly ring. Got it done when I turned 40. By 43 I was over it.)
I have nieces in their 20s who I've given charge of making sure I don't make an idiot of myself in the attempt to age, but gracefully.
Now where is MY InStyle mag???
Damn. I was just thinking of getting a toe ring.
Please, please don't ever tell me that blue jeans and T-shirts are out of style....I can't get into my shiny jumpsuit anymore and don't know what else to wear whilst feeding cows.....
You would think so but now I can't afford it because its costing me $600 to have the fucking trailer towed to some po-dunk town in the middle of BFE then renting a U Haul to get all their shit back to California. They will probably leave MY DAD's trailer in the middle of nowhere because thats what broke down. He'll expect me to comfort HIM. Asshole. Ok I'm better now. I love your moms shinny jump suit. You would look great in it. Almost as good as you do wearing that toe ring for old ladies.
Ah geez...how old do I feel? I think I WORE that jumpsuit to a frat dance when I was in college...
At least I still don't own it, but it was completely comfy and I looked HAWT in it.
#1 - didn't this happen when you were in P-town? It sounds familiar.
#2 - if so, chances of him being gay are extremely high as you were in the Pearl and he tried to seem like he knew something about fashion.
#3 - you don't look old at all.
#4 - I say do what you want if it makes you happy and comfortable. I've never worn a toe ring, but I did wear shiny red clogs (ask the Gazelle! ha ha)
I love toe rings and I'm 26. I say they are perfectly a-ok!
My mom has a similar outfit...not a jumpsuit but a red leather jacket that is so 80's it's not even funny.
Always guess at least 5 years younger than you think fellas..
Then subtract another 5 on top of that.
Boys are twits.
Speaking of age-guessing, I hate it when my sister and I are together and someone asks who's older. I know we're only a year and a half apart, but it still irritates the hell out of me. She's older for god's sake!
Ok, end of rant. :)
So I should stop wearing my Nehru suit to the clubs?
Funny! Crazy kids.... (said by Miss 33)
Too funny!! I think it's even funnier how they actually noticed ... I'm always surprised by small things that men actually DO notice when they miss so much of the completely obvious stuff.
I slid my toe ring off about a year ago too and recently removed my belly button piercing. But for me, I felt "too old" for that stuff!
I'm not going to lie, I'm terrible at telling ages.
Most people I categorize vaguely as being "somewhere between 20 and 40". I wouldn't take it to heart! There's a lot of confusion these days as to peoples' ages.
My friend Kim tells people she is older than she actually is. That way they say "Wow! You look really great for being 40!" even though she is only 37. Makes her feel great. You should tell everyone you are 38 and they will marvel at how amazing you look!!!
He obviously wasn't taught well by and older brother/father. What a brat!
I am at the age I wear what I durn well please.
I think I had a jump suit...it was the early 80s and it had (you guessed it!) zippers all over it...
I have a toe ring!!
I like my toe ring!!!
I wear my toe ring!!
YAY for toe rings!!
Have a great weekend!!!
You look ridiculously young... I am so not wearing my toe ring even though I am a thousand years old... and my mom had that same jumpsuit- blue with frosted hair ... I thought she was so glam!!!
I totally fear that I am like a bug suspended in out of date fashion myself.. sigh...
You my friend, look younger than your years, contemporary in attire and need to stay away from silly boys... someone needs to teach him the - formula for guessing women's ages - take the age- half it and add seven years....
POm honey, alcohol ages you much faster than anything else.
just sayin'.....
First of all, you look SO young. Although, alcohol does make you look a little older when you're under the influence. Which I understand, first hand! But good for you for rolling with the punches!!
Great post - love your thoughts! Being 35 myself..:)
Thank god I am over 30 and can still wear my toe ring.
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