Thursday, March 26, 2009
Liar Liar Pants on Fire
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Eating an Elephant
It's best done one bite at a time.
I am done stressing out over every damn document or every damn fee that is thrown my way.
If it is meant to be, it will happen. If not, then there is another plan out there for me.
What I don't understand is if everyone wants people to be buying to help the economy, then WHY is every step riddled with if's, and's, but's and any other conjunction one can imagine.
My new saying of the week is "you guys need to figure it out."
At least I can say that I've learned a CRAP LOAD about the process.
I'm trying to decide what is worse - escrow or breakups.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Then She Went For A Run
I was blah-blah-blahing to my girlfriend recently about the same old blah-blah's that I have been blahing about for the past few months. And she said something to me so simple that it actually took a couple hours for me to absorb. She said, "Why do you care what he thinks about you or your life? He doesn't care what you think about his."
Then I was emailed some random forward, which I usually just delete without reading. But I opened this one and it said something like, "Take care of the people that are good to you and forget about the ones that are not."
Then I was driving in my car and the silly lyrics "just live your life, ain't got time for no haters" came on.
Then It hit me like a ton o' bricks: Just let it go. Really this time.
Then I did.
Then I felt free and amazing and optimistic and relaxed.
Then I went for a run.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Bar Method Review
According to the website:
The Bar Method™workout creates a uniquely lean, firm, sculpted body by
combining the muscle-shaping principles of isometrics, the body-elongating
practice of dance conditioning, the science of physical therapy and the
intense pace of interval training into a powerful exercise format that
quickly and safely reshapes and elongates muscles.
We arrive at the building - a really cool, old bank building and are greeted by a very sweet adorable girl. We fill out forms, pay $22 and put on our socks. Yes, you work out in socks. The class was small - about 12 women, all of varying body shapes. The environment was very comfortable, which I'm glad because you do some weird looking moves (think squeezing butt cheeks).
The teacher warned us that "shaking is normal." Then she tells us to get 2lb and 3lb weights. I think to myself that this will be a breeze. We do a little warm up, then start with arm exercises. They weren't too hard for me, but my friend was really struggling. Then we do push ups. You do a million reps of everything. Then we go to the "bar" like a ballet bar and start with the leg exercises. We do these things called pretzels, mannnnnnnnnnn on mannnnnnn my legs were shaking by the end of that one. Then you do some core work - some of this was tricky. Then more push ups.
Overall I liked the class. It was a fun change. But I'm more of an intense cardio kind of girl. Sunday morning, my gluts hurt a little and my pecs (from all the push ups). I probably wouldn't drive to LA again to do it. And if I am going to spend that much on a class, it would be Bikram - hands down.
Other news: Maybe date 2 was even better than date 1.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Weekend Warrior
So the experiment is this... can I maintain my weight by eating healthy and just being a weekend warrior?
That's what I've turned into lately. I am not eating poorly. So that's in check.
But I can't seem to get any workouts in except on the weekends.
My weekend plan looks like this:
Tonight - Bikram
Saturday - "The Bar Method" Class
Sunday - Run and maybe another Bikram
Don't worry, I'm not planning on being a weekend warrior forever. I am just not going to put any more pressure on myself (for now). Sometimes we need a little break.
I'm excited to check out this Bar Method class. Unfortunately, the closest studio is about an hour away so if I love it, I probably won't be able to do it very often. Unless some brilliant person realizes that the OC is where it's at and opens a studio here.
In other news, someone may have gone a date with someone new and perhaps it was really fun but someone isn't ready to share more yet.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bittersweet Changes
- Good financial investment
- Tax benefits
- Bigger place
- No mold, leaking pipes, running toilet, creepy landlord or loud upstairs neighbor
- Closer to yoga studio
- Away from ex-boyfriend (whom I can't seem to get over)
- It will force me to reconnect with other friends or even meet new ones
- Exciting to decorate my own place - I've become obsessed with decorating websites
- More space!!! 2 bedrooms and lots of closet space
- A big kitchen
- A washer and dryer - hello, I have not had one in 10 years!!!
- Dinner parties!
- I will not be living across from the beach (I've been here 10 years)
- I will have to drive to my favorite runs - I've been very spoiled.
- Moving away from friends
- Away from ex-boyfriend (whom I can't seem to get over)
- The entire process of buying a home - shoot me now!
I guess the lists were a lot longer in my head. This entire process is completely stressful and annoying. I am supposed to close escrow March 30th. I hope so because I gave notice at my apartment to be out by April 15. It just seems that every little freakin' step takes a week to get done. There are A LOT of incompetent people out there.
I've been on an emotional roller coaster and it's taking a major toll on my body. I am always tired. Always. Exercise seems to only happen on the weekends because I can't get up early or stay up late to do it. I know it would help, but I just can't wake up in the morning - no matter what time I go to bed. If this continues after I move in, I will go to the doctor and make sure it's nothing serious. Oh wait - no I won't because I won't have insurance. Something else I am still stressed about.
I haven't stepped on a scale in a very long time. I don't want to face it yet. Some of my clothes are getting tighter - my casual jeans don't even button. I'll deal with all of this when I can. I am hoping I will get moved in, decorate my place, figure out my fall marathon, get back on track with training, meet a new man, have fun dinner parties, fall in love and live happily ever after. I don't think that's too much to ask for in a year. Do you? JUST PUTTING IT OUT THERE!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Say It Out Loud
Have you ever had a decision to make and you weren't really sure what direction to take?
This works best for dating, but it really could be applied to other areas of ones life.
Well something the Spicy Latina said to me really rang true.
Say it out loud to a friend!
It might make the decision a lot more clear.
For example I met this guy I am considering going out with.
- He is kinda short.
- He said he never wants to get married again.
- He doesn't believe in God.
Yeah, but here I am still considering going out with him.
I can get over the height thing, but the other 2? Uhm... DUH!
So, what do you have to SAY OUT LOUD????
Friday, March 13, 2009
Until this morning.
I got this in my inbox:
Dear Jessica,
We regret to inform you that your application for health
insurance coverage has been declined. Blue Shield of California will contact
you directly to provide more information about their decision.
eHealthInsurance has not been informed why your application was
We understand this is not the result you had hoped for. If you don't have an employer-sponsored health insurance alternative available, here are some other options you may wish to consider:
Public Health Coverage and Assistance Programs. ......
Social Security and Medicare......
Public Health Coverage or Medicare??
Are you kidding me? I am one of the healthiest people I know. How could I be declined insurance?
What is this world coming to?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Matt- The Trilogy
My phone rang instantly.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Travel
The drive from the hotel is about 2 hours of a twisty turny bumpy road. I was in a van with my VIP and his wife. Less than half way to the airport, I knew I was in trouble. See, I get a little motion sickness. My palms started sweating, my breathing became labored. I had to ask the driver to pull over. Yes, I puked in front of my VIP.
While the puking was commencing, I got that oh-so-special girl feeling. I had started my period. Great. We still had an hour+ to the airport.
Check in was pretty easy but we had about 3 hours to kill before the flight. I finally board and I'm seated next to this old, creepy guy who proceeded to drink 8 whiskies. He had no concept of personal space and was all up in my area. I was practically leaning into the aisle just to avoid his hairy arm touching mine. Also, he seemed to not be able to figure out the headphones. He went through 4 pair, bitching and complaining to me the entire time. I had my nose in my book and blatantly ignored him. It didn't work - he just kept talkin' and bitchin' away for four hours.
Finally we land in Houston. I have an hour and 15 mins to go through customs and catch my next flight. But nobody was moving. The Captain got on the speaker and said that we may as well sit down because the plane would not be unloading for a while. I look out the window and see an ambulance and the CDC van.
CDC - Center for Disease Control.
This is NOT a good sign.
We are then handed a form that we have to fill out that is titled "Information for People Possibly Exposed to Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Substances." Seriously!?!?
The clock is ticking. My flight boards at 8:20 and departs at 8:48pm. It's 8:30 and we are still sitting there. LUCKILY, we were cleared by the CDC and they let us off. I RAN thru Immigration. My bag was sitting there, I grabbed it and headed to Customs. It was 8:45pm. I had 3 mins. Let's just say thank God I'm a runner." I got to my gate only to find that gate and terminal had been changed. I sprinted to the new gate where they were closing the doors. But I got there in time!
Phew. So you think that's the worst of it? Oh no.
Landed in the beautiful OC Airport - my home away from home. But my luggage didn't. Oh well, that happens about 25% of the time, I know the drill.
I hopped in a cab to head home- just wanting my bed. It's now 11:45 pm. It's been 14 hours since I left the hotel. I've had 2 beers, a tomato juice and 2 small packages of pretzels.
I get to my front door to find this:

It's a 4ft deep hole, about 4 feet long directly in front of my door step. Oh don't worry, there was a small wooden plank that I could walk over to get in, with tons of dirt surrounding it.
Overall it was an awesome day.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Zippidy Doo Daa
Hola from Costa Rica.
Just have a minute - the event went very smooth. I zip lined yesterday - it was a blast!!!
I hit the treadmill this morning for an easy 3 miler. It felt great. I think I'm back and motivated to get running again - thank you sweet baby Jesus!
I head home Monday so regular blogging should resume next week.
Have a great weekend.