Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eating an Elephant

Buying a house is like eating an elephant.
It's best done one bite at a time.

I am done stressing out over every damn document or every damn fee that is thrown my way.
If it is meant to be, it will happen. If not, then there is another plan out there for me.

What I don't understand is if everyone wants people to be buying to help the economy, then WHY is every step riddled with if's, and's, but's and any other conjunction one can imagine.
My new saying of the week is "you guys need to figure it out."

At least I can say that I've learned a CRAP LOAD about the process.

I'm trying to decide what is worse - escrow or breakups.


Michelle said...

I am first!

I don't have words of wisdom for you, but you know what to do!!


Carly said...

Buying a house is a PITA. Good luck!


we waited almost a year in ESCROW, but it was worth it:)SO I would have to say escrow is better, if it works out in the end!

Sarah said...

Did you ever watch Gilmore Girls? "I'm in escrow!" Just me? Ok.

Tammy said...

Carly said exactly what I was thinking. Real PITA buying a house. Good luck to you!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Yes, buying a house is a pain. I worked in the Mortgage industry for about 3 years and yah - it is a pretty darn painful process.

I hope the end is in sight!! You'll feel so great when it's all done!

Aron said...

it is such a pain!! but hopefully its almost over :)

teacherwoman said...

Hey escrow is good, especially if you put more than enough towards it each month... that way, you might get a check back at the end of the year... I did!

People kept telling me to "enjoy the process" of buying a home because before you know it, it will be done and overwith. I have purchased my first home, closed, and lived in it for 5 months and do not miss any part of looking, meeting with bankers/realtors, signing papers... I am comfortable now.

Don't worry, things will fall into place... and you will be so excited to have your own place when all is said and done!

Nancy said...

Hey good for you, it's not so bad. One step at a time and look what you have at the end. It's all worth it. You are going to have a place of your own. GET EXCITED!!

Unknown said...

escrow can really suck.

my first house purchase was a breeze. our realtor told us when to show up with money, when to sign, and when we could pick up our keys. it was simple and painless.

and then we had a normal realtor. one, like so many others, that doesn't shelter their clients from the madness that is escrow. there is so much insanity that goes on during the process, it's amazing sales are ever completed. but the crazy thing is how everything comes together at the end.

keep your head up and "LET THEM FIGURE IT OUT". that's what they're paid to do. and hopefully next time you'll get an agent that knows how you shelter you from the storm.

Carolina John said...

escrow is worse. of course, i've never bought in california before. but i've closed in 10 days before from offer to occupancy. it's a nasty process.

audgepodge said...

And this is why I am a 33yo still renting a one bedroom apartment. The process alone scares me! That and I don't really want to be a real grown up just yet.

Hang in there! :)

TonyP said...

As a real estate attorney, I feel your pain. Amazing how things are different from state to state. Here in NYC...escrow ? What is that. We still have things called sit-down closings.

Marcy said...

I'm sorry chica! Hang in there. Before you know it, you'll be chillaxing in your nice new home :-)

Susan said...

Hang in there. You're right; it sucks.

X-Country2 said...

Buying a house is a PITA, but it's fantasic to have your very own house at the end. Good luck!

Jess said...

I think home buying right now is in a bit of a catch-22: They want you to buy, so there's low interest rates, etc, but now that the market is so weary of sub-prime buyers, banks are being extra cautious with approving lenders.

Hang in there. It'll work itself out!

Jess said...

Ick sounds stressful! Good luck with everything! I'm sure it will work out for you!

RunToTheFinish said...

oh boy.. we are working on getting ready to sell our house and move...I started the cleaning process.. DUDE IT SUCKS

Alisa said...

Yikes! I've heard it is a PROCESS. Someday I'll get there.

Breakups...definitely...coming from a person who has never been through esrow of course that is my choice.

Bootchez said...

I'm thinking escrow is worse than breakups. Escrow is followed by years and years of worry and payments, while breakups fade away, and (I, anyway) always just seem eventually to remember the worst about the person and am glad they're gone. Plus, my mortgage has already outlasted MOST of my relationships.

Judi said...

it is a bitch until the closing is over with. i remember my closing. it was a nightmare. once it's done, it's done.

Amy - the gazelle said...

once it's all over, it's so worth it! But the time between 'in escrow' and 'closing' just about drove me crazy!