To my dearest feet,
It is with the utmost gratitude that I write to you today. While we have had our ups and downs, lost toe nails, bloody cuts and even blisters galore, you have managed to maintain healthy and resilient throughout two marathon training seasons.
As we embark on season three, I want to remind you how much you mean to me. This should be evident by the numerous pedicures and expensive running socks that I have gifted to you in the past. If for some reason you doubt my admiration, I will prove it soon with a new pair of running shoes. It seems hard to imagine that your "new ones" already have over 300 miles on them.
Please know how much I rely on you and how much you mean to me. Stay strong and I will continue to take care of you.
H & K
Auntie Chia says hi too. *Muah* good lil feetsies *muah*!
Love it!
May you enjoy a long and beautiful relationship together!
BTW, those are some good lookin' feet! :)
You feet will thank you for new shoes!
Hmmm...maybe I forgot to thank mine and that's why two ENTIRE toes are black and three of the nine blisters haven't gone away yet! Thanks for the reminder. (So thank you feet...and I promise never to make you run 26.2 miles while wet ever again.)
p.s. I have ocean-view envy.
I'm sure your feet appreciate the love!
I love this post! My feet have been so much happier since I found my Saucony's. Though even with the new shoes I still lost one toenail in SD this year. SAD!
Haha, I should take better care of my feet. I get a pedicure or do my own pedicure MAYBE once every two months. With all the running I do that does NOT make for nice feetsies!! Hahaha
my feet are in desparate need of a pedi right now!!! i need to be nicer to them :)
Aww, that was kind of sweet. :o)
Maybe if I gave my feet a pedicure they would return the favor by actually looking halfway decent in sandals. Right now? Scary.
Let me know if this love letter does the trick. Mine are still in need of LOTS of help!
Gotta look after you dogs!
Oh no, now the other body parts are going to expect some luv...........
do the love letters help? if so I'll be writing to my knee and hip here very quickly
My left foot is pissed at me and has bestowed to me a heal spur with a side of tendinitis. I wish you pain free training season!
Cute! :)
Keeping your feet happy is serious business. Mine have been a little neglected lately, so I best be getting a pedi soon. :)
Those are about the best looking feet I have seen on a runner! The worst? Some guy at Logan Airport in Boston the day after the marathon. Worse than you can imagine.
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