Not that anyone is really reading these (besides you Aunt Julie) but you may have noticed that I have not blogged in a few days. I haven’t really been feeling up to it. Here is what happened:
I took Friday off of work to have a leisurely day before going to a wedding that evening. I had big plans for my day off – yoga class, tanning (I KNOW it’s bad) and then a pedicure. I have been doing Bikram Yoga for almost a year and a half. However, since training for the marathon, I have totally slacked on yoga. It’s time consuming (1.5 hr class) and just doesn’t fit in my schedule right now.
I know it’s controversial, but I love Bikram Yoga. I love the sweating and the poses and especially the savasnas. The 105 degree room is a bit stinky, but you get used to it. When I leave the class, I always feel cleansed. I know that sounds creepy, hippy weird, but it’s true. And lean. All that sweating helps you get really lean. I was probably at my healthiest and thinnest when I was doing Bikram regularly. So, what a perfect way to start my weekend.

This Friday, we had a special treat after yoga class. There was a guy there doing this meditation horn thing. Now, I’m not really as hippy as I sound, so I don’t know what it really was. I think it was like a Tibetan Horn (see pic). As we were in our final savasna, he started. First there were bells, then some gong sounds I think, then the horn. As he played, he moved around the room. You could actually feel the energy moving around the room. After about 5 mins, he was done. I relaxed for another minute, did a few extra hip stretches, and then headed out of the room.
As I was putting on my flip flops, I was feeling a bit dizzy. So I sat down in the lobby to take a few breaths and cool down. But it got worse. Someone sat down by me and asked if I was ok. I tried to say something, but I know my words weren’t coming out clearly. Then I blacked out. I could hear people talking and I came to again. Now, I was feeling very sick to my stomach. I did not want to puke in front of anyone, so I held it in. Someone had called my boyfriend to pick me up (thank goodness). Once El Cap got there, he walked me to his car. As soon as we pulled out of the parking lot, I asked him to pull over. I was sick all over the sidewalk!
So, I laid around for the rest of the day – almost going in and out of consciousness. I wasn’t blacking out, but I definitely wasn’t all there. The horn thing is supposed to be really cleansing, so maybe all the toxins in my body were just trying to get out. I had a headache for a couple days after. I’m feeling better now, so hopefully I can get some exercise in tonight. At least a walk or something.