Lessons Learned from Brightroom Running Photos:
1. I am not shy.
2. I make very funny faces when I run .
3. I am always on the lookout for cameras and can spot them from a mile away.
3. I am always on the lookout for cameras and can spot them from a mile away.
4. Arms - keep to one's side
5. I am a total nerd.
6. I really need to not wear a fuel belt.
7. Black sports bra/white shirt. Enough said.
8. Mouth - Close it.
9. Thumbs up move (pic 3) - just lame.
9. Thumbs up move (pic 3) - just lame.
10. Try to act normal when camera is around.

Hey, at least you don't look like you are in pain :-) (which pretty much covers the way I look in every race photo)
Oh funny!! and you are way too hard on yourself. :D
I'm anxiously awaiting the race photos. I don't think I was as energetic as you. I'm more worried about how fat I am going to look!
Seriously, these 4 were the "good pics." The others were sooooooo bad. Weird faces.
OMG!!!!! You crack me up!! These are THE best racing pics I've seen yet!! I LOVE THEM!!!! ;D ;D
You just never know how they're gonna catch you lookin', do ya? That said, you look great. Marathon pictures with CHARACTER! ;-)
I like the pics! I like a little livliness to a picture -- everyone smiles all nice and normal, but not everyone waves their arms and jumps out for the camera. These are pics that will be remembered!
I echo other people's praise. They are great photos. I especially like #2 -- you look so happy and full of energy. As for the black bra/white shirt -- work it, girl!
Thanks everyone. #2 pic and #4 were at the very end. Happiest moment was seeing that finish line and haulin' arse to get there! Well, actually happiest moment was the beer after and kisses from the cap.
Believe me, your fuel belt doesn't look NEARLY as dorky as the picture of me from the Green River half marathon. Not only did I have the belt, I also had my iPod strapped to my arm and my Garmin on my wrist. I'm sure if I could have figured a way to strap on a portable fan to keep me cool, I would have done it!
Relish those terrific photos!
Love love love your race pictures. You are allowed to be as silly as you want, you're running a marathon for goodness sake! Way to go, and enjoy wine and beer for me, as I have decided to *gasp* give it up until my marathon. I'm losing friends as I speak...
Simply awesome. Your "raise the roof" one is my fave. ;)
That's too funny! :)
Your pictures are great
You learned valuable lessons
Thank you for sharing
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