Beer = carbs. That's how we justified it.
I'm on the right. Denver running pal is on the left. Waiting for Wisconsin running pal to arrive.

Saturday afternoon, post expo, the girls tooled around the Newport Peninsula killin' time.
The hightlight of the day: chocolate dipped frozen bananas and watching a skim boarding contest from the pier.

Carbo-loading Dinner. My last taste of pasta for a while. No more until I run another race.

Here we are in the porta-potty line. Please note the starting line behind us and the very attractive fuel belt that I am wearing. I especially love to wear it high on my waist for added sexiness. Also, please note that the braid is still in braid form and not in dreadlock form yet.

Here we are in the beer garden after running a mere 26.2 mile race.
Yeah ~ we're all done AND we get FREE beer!
Please note the fancy medals around our neck.
Time to hit the bar for post-race celebration and pig-out-fest. Once again, please note the adorable shirts. Mine says "I run for wine." However, I am holding a (BIG) beer in my hand. That's me. Full of contradictions.

Carb repleshing! Even this party girl needs to rest after a marathon. But not until I finish my second schooner. Maybe I can just rest my head on the cup and slurp up the goodness.
Reason I love this pic: My arms look skinny! yesssssssssssssssss
PS: I dont think The Captain wanted his pics posted, but that is him sitting next to me. Cute, huh?
Thanks for the taking the time to share my day in photos.
Song of the day: Somebody's Watching Me by Beatfreakz
OOH you look MAAHHvelous. Skinny arms, yes! And the Captain is a cutey.
hehe.."MERE"...LOVE IT!
Awesome pics! I love the sexy-ass belt ;) Can't wait to see the race photos.
oh i hope post race i can find a drink big enough to swim in!
I can't relaly see the captain, he's all shadowy -- try to catch him unawares some other time and post a real cler pic for us!
Loved all the pics -- especially the last one -- why? It reminds me of me. And I like me.
Okay, I wasn't drunk when typing that previous comment but the errors indicate that perhaps I was. Oopsie. Just ignore my typos.
ok, can I tell you how fantastic you all look after your race? The smiles? Not a hint of achiness or exhaustion...if they ever let me complete a marathon I hope I have that same look of satisfaction on my face!
LOVE the pictures!
(but I have to agree with Jess, we need a clear pic of the Captain :)
Oh, I LOVE your shirt! Where did you get it? I have one that says: "I run for cake" and this would be a perfect addition!
Beer=carbs... love it! I need a beer glass like that, might make me more motivated to get my long runs over with!
Congrats again!
Congrats! Love the pictures!
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