My favorite side dish has been baked sweet potato fries. You can also make them with yams. Delish! I also love (I know this sounds weird) but cottage cheese on whole wheat toast. That’s a staple now.
Since I only have 5 more days of carbo-lovin’, I’m searching for some other fun starchy delectables. Ideas anyone???
Song of the Day: She moves in her own way by The Kooks
When I was marathon training (and okay, even when I wasn't...) I'd eat pretzels dipped in whipped cream cheese. If I had been in the states I probably would have gone to some awesome bagel shop for salt bagles and any kind of shmear... yum. Enjoy your carb-loading!!
Well, at least you're baking those sweet potato fries -- I like 'em fried!
cottage cheese on wheat bread?? sounds like diet food to me... not "carb loading"!
how 'bout some fettucine alfredo????? clog the arteries and thighs at the same time! (i would DEFINITELY indulge in this dish if i were running a marathon... does my 3 mile run this morning count???)
and i thought i wouldn't post very much...
I agree with taryn. I heart big fat bagels.
(ps, I love your "songs of the day!" I'm always looking for new music to workout to!)
I'm a potato girl myself. Enjoy your carb week!
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