Mar 2007 This was an exciting month for me. I met The Captain and ran a 10K in Seal Beach the day after, in which I PR'd totally HUNG OVER.

Rants on Running, Relationships and Ridiculousness!
Good luck to everyone dealing with "famille détraqué." I am testing out a new theory this year. Minimal time spent at each location, causing more driving than I would like, but less time = less opportunity for blow outs.
More time on Freeway vs. More time with Family. Freeway wins.
But the best way to deal with stress is to run. It clears your mind and makes your body feel great. So, that's what I did...
I ran.
I ran Saturday 3.5 miles and Sunday 4.2 miles
Serious issues people. Real Serious.
Good news is that I will be home in a few hours and back to eating like a human.
Great news is that The Captain fixed by closet! Dang I love that man.
Song of The Day: Inside of Love by Nada Surf