All right, put down the egg nog.
Step away from the left overs.
Put the cap on the vodka bottle.
Finish up the last of the wine.
It's time to get back at it. I'm 5 lbs from my goal. And I have about 5 weeks left. This is doable. I am trying to get over a little cold that my sister passed on to me. But at least I haven't been pigging out. I will go for a walk tomorrow and then try to run again on friday. There is still a lingering cough and i'm not sure I will be able to run. There's always sumthin' - isn't there? But nothin's gonna hold me down. I can see the light at the end of the muffin top tunnel. (PS: I tried on the goal pants and they can be zipped up now, but still too much spillage over the top.)
Good luck to all in the CHALLENGE! Are you refocused????
Oh and as extra motivation, The Cap and I are going to Hawaii in February! whoooooooooooo hooooo YOU BETTER BELIEVE I want to look hot in a bikini!
**Pic is from Christmas evening, after a lovely 8-course Italian family dinner :)
Song of the Day: Break my Stride (Remix) by Pacific Groove
Amen sister!
I just had the same thought as I stepped on the scale this evening...except I have about 15 to go. If you have a secret, share it with me please!
I was just thinking of the challenge yesterday -- I have been a real slacker and I need to get my act together. I too have 5 lbs but have a little more than 5 weeks, more like 7. Very doable. I just need to focus!
So I shouldn't have warmed up the cheesy potatoes for breakfast????
You are doing (and looking) great! Thanks for the kick in the pants. GREAT PIC!!! Hope you feel better soon.
It's NEVER time to put the cap back on the wine :P
You guys look fabulous! ;-)
This is one challenge I'm doomed to fail (again). Maybe I need to go ot Hawaii too since current motivators just aren't cutting it for me. You're good to have gotten so close to your goal already.
Where in Hawaii are you going?
I live on Oahu and my friends and i are going to Kona in Feb as well...
Thanks for the pep talk!! Need to get back on the exercise train myself!!!
You guys are soooo cute!
Just keeping us going! This was a wonderful holiday with great food. I got everything I wanted and weight gain. I am ready to get back down to business.
A good run is good for a cough, unless the cough is coming from the lungs... then I advise not to run.
Yep! I am ready to refocus!! Actually I think I might actually have to sign up for some type of diet. But I am ready to get er done!
Hawaii in February? SO JEALOUS.
cute picture :)
katieO took my comment! Insanely jealous! I was supposed to go next month, but alas, can not go. *pouts*
I can see the light at the end of the muffin top tunnel. LOL! Me too!
You'll definitely be bikini ready by Feb...
Oh you lucky girl - Hawaii!
Wooohooooooo!!!! I'm ready to kick some of my own ass.. and anyone who sticks theirs in front of me too.
I just wrote a cold remedy on my blog this morning.. go check it out, it will cure your cough in a day!
Cute pic.. you look beautifully happy!!!
I'm all in.....just as soon as I finish this last bottle of wine. Oh, and there is Bailey's left. Damn.
You can totally do it! You've got a lot of motivation with those fab pants and a trip to Hawaii, how excellent.
I was talking with my DH last night and how close I am to goal, and he said "how hard is it to lose 5 more pounds?" I just about smacked him. He quickly realized what a dumbass remark it was, and said "oops, I'm sorry," and he's lucky I was feeling good and had a glass of wine, because I wasn't upset by it. It's just funny--the first 5 are easy. It's the last 5 that are a bitch.
Cute pic of you and the Captain. Have a healthy weekend, girl.
Only 5 lb.'s left?! Have fun!
After the egg nog, cookies, crackers, candies, pasta..etc., I'm now two pounds farther away from my goal.
Bud doesn't it feel great to get back in your routine? =)
Yaa, on the goal D&G pants zipping up. You are almost there...
I back tracked like crazy this Thankschrismanewyears, Ugh!
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