Here's the update:
Went to the mall.
Bought new Hudson Jeans and new shoes and a bunch of other stuff.
Then got home.
Checked all my comments regarding the Garmin.
Went online and bought Garmin.
Went online and bought Garmin.
I did chose the cheap shipping, so it won't get here for a week or so.
See, I told you I think I can have it all :)
(Thanks to all the gift certificates I got for Christmas)
(Thanks to all the gift certificates I got for Christmas)
Can't wait to run with the Big G (that's his name. yes, he's a man.)
Now going out for martini's and sushi.
Sometimes I love my life.
Trust me; there'll be no buyers remorse!!
Let me know how you like it. I've got the Nike Ipod thing so always feel there's no need for a Garmin, but after reading all the comments I may have to buy one anyway!
Glad to hear you were able to get it all! :)
I no longer run with gadgets, except for my shuffle. Let me know what you think - I'm quite curious. Oh, and you're brave for going to the mall this time of year! I don't think I could be pursuaded.
I'm using my garmin again and find that the HR zone alarm is insightful. I think I've been training at too high a pace. But I still like the Nike+ for tunes and challenges... so I'm carrying too much gear!
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my Garmin! It actually saved my marriage. (Okay, so that's a bit of an exaggeration. But hubby and I always used to squabble when he wanted to go off the course I mapped out for us. With Garmin I now know exactly how far we've gone!).
P.S. One thing to remember -- it's not always ENTIRELY accurate. Not a huge problem with training, but if you're running a marathon don't rely on the mileage Garmin says. When we ran the Marathon du Medoc the final mileage according to Garmin was 26.94! Imagine how I felt when I saw 26.2 on Garmin and realized the finish line was nowhere in sight).
I missed the post below in time to throw my two cents in, but I orginally was skeptical as to the "need" for a Garmin, but once I got it, I really did love it. Now, I almost never run without it.
"Sometimes I love my life."
hey don't you want kids so you can spend your nights complete sober organizing toys?! ;)
Now that is more like it! Who needs to pick?
LOL!! A woman after my own heart ;-)
You won't regret it! It is a fun little gadget.
Best. Shopper. Ever.
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