Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bits & Pieces

First of this morning, I want to thank Mrs. F for her Fantastic Tomato & Meatball Soup Recipe! I made it last night and it is soooooooooooo easy and yummy and filling. I brought the leftovers to share with my girls at work, even though I don't really want to share, but I made a ton.

I didn't run this morning for a few reasons:
1. I am sore from my weights work out on Sunday - I think I pushed myself a bit too hard.
2. I met up with the Captain and tossed back a few last night. There MIGHT have been some sweet moves busted to Vanilla Ice.
3. The bed was way to warm and cozy this morning to get up.

Visiting with my PT tonight for a final stretch out before the race on Sat. For anyone just starting to run, I HIGHLY recommend finding yourself a good Physical Therapist. Because at some point, you will need them! I'm actually not in any pain right now, but I want to make sure I'm all even and straight before Sunday.

So, is anyone else running the Surf City this weekend?
That's all I got today for ya.


Tigerlilly said...

I am SO trying that soup this weekend. It sounds YUMM-O!!!

I am trying to get Hubby to learn some PT skills so that I dont have to pay for it!! LOL. Its been working pretty good... and it leads to way more fun!! LOL

Mamacita Chilena said...

ice ice baaaaaaby!!!

PT thing is good advice. I've never been to one but always thought that maybe I should check one out for various aches and pains...

Unknown said...

I might be going to cheer you on, but no not going. hah :-) I am not sure I can even do 4 miles without stopping...

Good luck though!!

And I am glad you tried the soup. Sooo good :-)

P.O.M. said...

Sweet - well if anyone is there, you'll find me at the beer tent at about 10:05 am. Great excuse to start the Super Bowl drinking early!

Jess said...

I want to see video of these "sweet moves"!

Ian said...

There's never anything wrong with busting out some Vanilla Ice moves.

Viv said...

That tomato & meatball soup is meant for me. I am a tomoato soup junkie. I saved the recipes cause it looks supah easy, tasty, and light on the cals. Important requirements for my cooking except Super Bowl Sunday when some serious stuff will be going down.

Thanks for the green tea tip. Do you drink it hot or cold? How does it best taste? I need to stock up on that stuff.

Your going to do great this weekend. Surf City has always been my goal event with the surfboard medal, and hottie surfers. It just seems like where I should be running :-)

TonyP said...

Good luck this weekend ! Have a great run.

Lori said...

I can imagine you are a good time at a bar/party! I am checking that soup recipe out now. I have been on a major soup kick for the last week and this is right up my alley :)

Anne said...

Hope the weather's perfect for you. I'd come up with a really long voicemail response to help the time pass.

Maddy said...

Ding ding ding dinga ding ding...

Good luck this weekend. I'll be looking forward to the race report.

I think I'm doing a hilly 12 on Sunday morning. Good Times!

Anonymous said...

Haha, doesn't get any better than good ole' Vanilla Ice ;)

Wish I was running the Surf City with you this weekend!! (Which would mean that I'd be in Southern Cal which would mean that I'd see the sun which would mean that I'd be elated.)

Erin said...

I made the soup last week! I froze the leftovers, no sharing for me!

Marcy said...

Hey, hey, hey! Bustin a move to VI is TOTALLY considered an excellent alternative to running LOL

Mendy said...

Now, I gotta send Hubby on over. His phone ring is Ice, Ice baby. He'd really get a kick out of you.

I really need to invest in a PT. I'm starting to get sore for the sake of getting sore. blah. or is it just old age?

Great job on your 20 miles last week! That's terrific and I saw how bad you wanted to get to the mileage. Awesome!

audgepodge said...

Ooh... thanks for the tip! Based on your review, I made the tomato and meatball soup tonight and you're right, very yummy!

Good luck on your race - I have one this weekend as well. Should be fun!

katieo said...

Sweet moves busted to Vanilla Ice has to count for something!

J~Mom said...

I was very thankful to find a good PT. Helped me get through two self induced injuries already.

Mrs Furious said...

thanks for the props!