Friday, January 25, 2008


This is a war people.

Me. Vs. My Jiggly Belly

My Jiggly Belly is Winning.

But there has been some serious sabotage going on behind the scenes.

1. My coworker, I won't name any names - AMANDA - brought in chocolate bars to help raise money for her kid's school. Now, if it's for the CHILDREN, how does one say no? So, I said yes, about 5 times.

2. The Captain and his tricks - last night his trick was bacon wrapped and finished off with some ice cream.

3. The Rain - even God is in on this little sabotage. It's been rainy and cold and NOT "runnable" in the morning.

I will win this battle. The sabotage stops now. I am going to the dreaded gym after work to get my miles in. I have been on a full avoid mode due to the New Years Resolutionists taking over. But now it's time to attack.

Plus I must get a 10 miler in tomorrow - rain or shine. I just hope I don't have to do it on a dreadmill.

Song of the Day: Winter Windows by Sea Wolf


Jess said...

Oh! Bacon wrapped anything is manna from heaven!

marie said...

Chocolate for the children is the worst. I can never say no to $4 chocolate bars from my sad little niece's face.

To pay my sister-in-law back though, I try to feed them to the kid.

Laura N said...

OH those chocolate bars are the DEVIL! Are they still just $1? I used to buy at least 5 any time someone was selling them. I haven't seen any around here yet.

Hope you get your run in today and good luck with that 10 miler tomorrow. You can do it sistah!

eurydice said...

wow 10 miles.... very impressive! i have to use the dreadmill because it's too cold here. too cold for me anyway.

Anonymous said...

I had a similar experience with Girl Scout cookies this year. I was a GS so there is a soft spot in my heart. THerefore, I bought four boxes and mailed three of them to my friends as early valentines day gifts and then kept one in my boyfriend freezer across the street. :o) Just a thought!

Petraruns said...

Pizza and wine tonight. Can you still have jet lag after 5 days (jetlag = tiredness = junk food). If you run 10 tomorrow REGARDLESS so will I. It's raining and windy here - horrible. Will you? Then I will.

J~Mom said...

Just be happy that you don't live with a cute little girl scout selling girl scout cookies. SIGH

Unknown said...

the rain has definitely been sucking!!! I hear you :-) I know we can't really complain because it is still 60 degrees, but it is not fun to run in. No one wants to get sick right? :-)

And how can ANYONE resist something that is wrapped in bacon? Lordy. Complete sabotage. ;-)

Petraruns said...

Come bacon, chocolate, ice cream or pizza - we're running tomorrow. I will comment to you as soon as I'm back..

RunnerGirl said...

Co-workers bringing in sweets are the worst (or the best, depending on your outlook). I was suckered into buying like ten boxes of girl scout cookies this week. I tell myself I'll give them all away, but I think we know better than that!

Robin said...

You can win this war!

If it is any consolation, the New Year's Resolutionists are already waning at my gym. Maybe you will have the same luck.

Viv said...

The World's Finest, they are! Ahh, geez go fight the sabatoge at the gym. Good luck with your long run tomorrow. You got it girl!!

Nancy said...

Oh dear, it's hard enough to be good at dinner let alone having it bacon wrapped. Fight this off. You can do it!!

Anonymous said...

I can't say no to chocolate, no matter who it is for. Hey you got to give in every once in a while. Good luck with the 10 miler.

Marcy said...

Did someone say bacon? I AM ALL OVER THAT!!!! How about you run in the rain with the chocolates? That way you can run it off and still enjoy :P I know, I'm grasping at straws LOL

Lori said...

My work is pure sabotage, too. We are a "treat" heavy office and treats are brought in for every tiny occasion you can think of. Plus, I think half of the office was born in January so at least 3/5 days per week this month have led to treat days :P One more to go and then my good friend Will (power) is going to move in for good.

Mendy said...

You'll win!! it will happen. Those bars are delicioso. mmm... mmmm... Are they those with the 5 large chunks of pure chocolate, the one with the white rapper and silver underneath? I haven't had one of those in a long time. Probably a good thing.

I hear you on the meals. I haven't been making wise decisions lately, and need to. Reading your blog helps. I know I need to eat more veggies and lowfat crap.