Monday, March 3, 2008

And The Next Trip Is...

Hi all

The moment you've all been waiting for....

FIJI here I come!

I will be gone for a while and not sure if I will have time to blog while I'm there. Trust me - I will try and where there's a will, there's a way.
This is my 2nd trip to Fiji. Last time, I went to about 5 different islands. This time we are staying on the main land. My advice if you ever go to Fiji - GO TO A SMALLER ISLAND. The mainland is cool, but the real Fiji is being on one the smaller outer islands.
My main goal on this trip is to keep running. It's so easy to slack when you travel and I do NOT want that to happen.
Song of the Day: Piece of Me(Böz o lö Remix) by Britney Spears


RunnerGirl said...

You get to go to Fiji for you job? Wow, I'm speechless!

Nancy said...

Oh that rocks. I was guessing Fiji or Tahiti for some reason. Sounds fantastic. Keep running. We'll be here...

Sonia said...

FIJI?! OMG I am so jealous!!!! You are a lucky girl!! Enjoy your trip!!! =)

Marcy said...

Should I tell you I hate you now or later? :P

Brit on the list of tunes, huh? You hear her new one with Heidi Montag? :-X

Viv said...

Seriously, I was totally guessing that or Bora Bora! That should be incredible. Run Fiji!! You should start a little tab of the cool gorgeous places you get to run ;)

Marcy said...

LOL like I should talk since I have "Gimme More" on my playlist :-X

It's understandable that he feels that way. John told me awhile back (when I first started blogging) "I don't care what you say/post, but all I'm saying is that if some lunatic coems out of no where and rings our doorbell at 5am and wants to run with you . . .that is IT!" ROFLMAO!

Danielle said...

Wow! Now I'm REALLY jealous! Hub and I went on our honeymoon to Tahiti. That was the last exotic place I've been to. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a couple of days in Fiji right now. Have fun!

TonyP said...

Awesome !!!

Shelley said...

Do you need an assistant/running buddy?

Carly said...

Wooo Hooo! That is so great! I am really excited for you (and jealous). Have a great time.

J~Mom said...

How awesome is that!!

DANIELA said...


I cant believe that you are goind to Fiji!!! that`s amazing!!!
i mean.. fiji is my dream!!!
and have a lot of fun!!!



Heather said...

I am so green with envy I could spit. And happy for you at the same time. Damn you.

Jess said...

Soooooo jealous! Have fun!

Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry but how the HELL do you travel there for business and are you hiring? Splain.

I'll wait.

Christine said...

so freakin jealous...dont want to talk to you anymore :)

Erin said...

SO NOT FAIR!! That is amazing though....I am so sick of winter.

teacherwoman said...

FIJI?? The closest I have been to FIJI is drinking the bottled water! I am SO jealous! :) Have fun!

Lori said...

You lucky dog! I'm so jealous of you! I would hurt someone for a tropical vacation right now.

Mendy said...

I'm in aweeee.... Seriously, although I'm crazy jealous - I hope you have a wonderful time!! and get your running in too.

Maddy said...

Have a great time. I know that traveling for business is not at all like being on vacation, but do try to get some running in while you're there - if you wish.

And I love that remix. Poor Brit-Brit.

I bet you're in Fiji when I go back to San Diego.

Sarah said...

Lucky Duck!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Is your company hiring by chance? =)

I could use a little Fiji action!! I am happy for you and insanely jealous at the same time - is this possible?

Unknown said...

You are one lucky lady! Does your office need someone in search engine marketing, that can travel as well? hahah.

SuperLindsRuns said...

Sooo...tell do I get a job like yours? :-)

Anonymous said...

All I have to say..jealous!!! Have a blast!

chia said...

I think you need a personal assistant. Namely: ME.

Another reason to lose weight: So I can fit in your suitcase.

jen said...

Awesome! Have fun! Good luck keeping up the running and make sure to squeeze a little beach-lounging in.

Laura N said...

Just add me to the list of POM haters.

Seriously, though. Have a great time!

RunToTheFinish said...

holy cow! Ok the next post needs to be about where you work because I think we all want your job.

Unknown said...

So we are all jealous now.... hrrrruph!!

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Um 'scuse me! What do you do and how do I get in?:)

ShirleyPerly said...

Sounds great! Except for the long plane ride, that is. Good luck with the running during your trip.

TriGirl Thea said...

Wow! Like everyone else I am soooooooo jealous of yur trip. But enjoy yourself while youre there wont you.

And btw, I totally stole your word cloud idea...I hope you dont mind.

Anonymous said...

Tag! You're it :)

Judi said...

What do you do that you get to travel so much? Man, I am so green!!

Judi said...

What do you do that you get to travel so much? Man, I am so green!!

Laurel said...

Damn, I need your job. Have fun!