Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Gettin' Down & Dirty in Fiji

BULA! I'm back...

Super busy playing catch up at work. But Fiji was FANTASTIC. I am super tan and probably super fat. I am not steppin' on the scale until Saturday after a nice long run.

More dets to come, but here's a little teaser pic of my hot and dirty action with a local!

Ha ha. Tricked you. This is a pic from a natural mud bath and hot springs! It was terrific!


Unknown said...

oh man I can't wait to hear about it! I have been waiting for you to get back ;-)

Also I have now officially tried out back bay a few times, and it is GORGEOUS although lots of hills. haha.

Laura said...

Welcome back! And that is such a great picture. Can't wait to read and see more!

The 311 Boys Mom said...

looks awesome & dirty......can't wait to hear all about the trip!

The 311 Boys Mom said...
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Jess said...

What a fun picture! Can't wait to see more. Glad your trip was fun!

Sara said...

Wish I could have been there. That pudgy guy in the back would have been M-I-N-E!

TonyP said...

Wow - looks like you had a blast. Can't wait to see the picture that comes next in the sequence !

J~Mom said...

I am beyond jealous!! Maybe you should plan a trip for bloggers! :>D

Ali said...

You look great in mud!

Midwest said...

That picture is awesome. Your smile is beautiful.

jen said...

Great picture. Looks like so much fun and you are super hot. :) Can't wait to hear more about the trip!

Kevin said...

Funny blog. I'm subscribing. Fiji. I gotta go.

chia said...

You must seriously be having one hell of a time :-). That grin speaks volumes!

Heather said...

Thank god you're back. Phew! Great picture!

Crissy Rae said...

Glad your back! Can't wait to see more pics!

Unknown said...

Neat photo. Sounds like you had a lovely time!!

RunnerGirl said...

Awesome picture. What a dream job for men, huh? Getting to rub mud all over hot women!

Mendy said...

Yahhh! You're back. Loved the picture! can't wait to hear all about your trip.

Marcy said...

Ummmm could you tell me where I can get boobs like yours? You look smokin!

katieo said...

Awesome picture!
and SO glad you're back!

Nancy said...

Wow, he seems pretty intent on what he is doing there....

YOu must have had quite a time. Wondering if you were still gone. Life isn't quite the same with out your........ :D

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!! Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Jess said...

You dirrrrty girl you!

Danielle said...

Welcome back! Can't wait to hear the details!

eurydice said...

hahaha - looks like fun to me!

Jodi said...

haha! I love that pic, completely awesome.

Sarah said...

That is such a fun picture!! Mud is great!

Anonymous said...

Man, I'm with Marcy... I want those boobs too!

Anyhoo, looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!