Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sneak Peak

Hola Amigos

Went for nice beach walk today - only about 2.5 miles. But my hammies are killin' me from yesterday's weights escapade.

Went into old San Juan today - what a quaint little down. Like a dingbat, I forgot my camera, but had my trusty blackberry. The first pic... you guessed it - a cemetary. It was right on the water and so beautiful. The second pic is just a little cobblestone street. We had tapas on a patio - so fun and delish (not to mention the killer mojito!)
Well, now it's time to work. Wah.
(PS: Sorry about the weird spacing. Blogger is having issues. All the blogger instructions and stuff in in spanish here - hee hee. Oh and spell check is Spanish, so forgive me if there are spelling errors).


eurydice said...

beautiful pictures! and congrats on your treadmill run. i was doing it all winter, but now that it's sort of almost warm, i can't go inside, even in the rain.

Amy - the gazelle said...

so pretty! I love cemeteries. And mojitos. Sounds like a good day!

J~Mom said...

Looks awesome!!

Lily on the Road said...

ahhhh reminds me of my flight attendant days....ahhh memories...

glad you are having a great time!

TonyP said...

Cool pics.

audgepodge said...

Looks beautiful! And good job on the treadmill run - I'm so impressed. I usually have to run slower because the effort feels greater.

What a nice place to "work"!

Heather said...

Nice! I was there once for a cruise stopover and thought it was awesome.

Whaddya do on weights? Dead lifts? Those are brutal.

Viv said...

Looks great! I am counting the days over here. Mojito, ahhhh...Keep enjoying it ;-)

Unknown said...

Sounds liek a great time, even if you do have a to work for part of it!

HC said...

Awesome pitures -- I'm so jealous at all the traveling you get to do! And way to stay active while doing it -- that's quite a feat!

Kevin said...

Awesome views. Absolutely awesome.

The Merry said...

Oh, I wish I were there right now instead of grey and gloomy Oregon... beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pictures :)

Jess said...

Ah, to be buried with an ocean view...sounds heavenly.

AddictedToEndorphins said...

Beautiful pictures.
Believe it or not, i didn't believe that it was a cemetary. I thought it was like, houses or something.
yeah, don't ask.
Enjoy your work:P

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see more pictures! A nice beach walk sounds fabulous.

Marcy said...

Beautiful, chica!

Nitmos said...


Anonymous said...

Incredible. Gorgeous. Insanely jealous. Let's switch jobs.

Nancy said...

S.W.E.E.T. Looks incredible. Thanks for the pics. Have a great time.

Stuart said...

Nice, nothing like having quiet neigbors!

Jen said...

Gorgeous pictures. Make sure to take ones of you in your dresses.

Jess said...

Awesome shots! Hope you're enjoying your trip!

Bev said...

How beautiful! I hope to get there some day. Have fun!

chia said...

Hope you're having a delightfully relaxing time donning the tittisaurus rex dress :-D!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous! But, Nashville is pretty great so I can't complain.

teacherwoman said...

Great photos! Looks beautiful!

Carly said...

Great photos! Hope your trip is going well.

Crissy Rae said...

Your pictures are gorgeous! Hope you are having a great time.

Kiki said...

Lovely, have you been to the Castillo de San Cristobal??? Really beautiful, thanks for reminding me how lovely PR is. Hope you are enjoying!!!

The Laminator said...

Great pictures. I hope you are enjoying Puerto Rico.

SoberMommie said...

I'm jealous!! Have a great time.

Unknown said...

Love the pics!

zanne said...

i LOVE old san juan ... we were there last year - that cemetary is beautiful - did you tour the forts? love the little streets and bright colors!