Running? What is this running you speak of? (See sidebar for proof)
Yoga? What? Never heard of it. They've probably revoked my membership by now.
I'm tired. I'm stressed.
And there is a 99% chance I will have a martini tonight.
So there.
Rants on Running, Relationships and Ridiculousness!
I think you'll bounce back :) I have faith!
You're on Pacific time ;-) you have plenty of day left to redeem yourself!
It's all good in the hood, as long as you come back. Take a break! You deserve it! ;D
So then... 0 for 3 on your weekly plan that you posted yesterday. Nice. ;)
This is why I don't make those kind of plans.
I love that card.
martinis taste even better after a run - or so I've heard. :)
However, if you'll drink a martini for me, I'll run for you tonight.
There's always tomorrow!!
That's 3.5 more miles that I have run.
Run before your martini.
Have the martini! Have one for me, too (extra olives, thanksvery much!)
This downtime should actually help you! Give your body the needed rest, then get you fired up and motivated to get back at it!
Enjoy (the martini & the rest)
You haven't failed, you're just showing how flexible you are to go with the flow!
You will be back strong in no time!
Misery loves company. Glad to know someone else is suffering
sending you a hug. and i hope you enjoy your martini.
You just a ran marathon a few weeks ago, you deserve a little time off. Drink up!
Sometimes a break is a good thing you know??
I once took 6 days off and when i ran again, it felt amazing!!!
Try it p.o.m!
Martini's make the world go around. Bottoms up!
you'll go nuts if you don't get back to it!
You'll get back in the game. Mmmmmm martini!
Drink one for me! I'm still training...:(
Since my marathon I've run exactly 3 times. And 2 of those 3 times ended in coughing induced fits. Maybe we're not meant to run after a marathon, for awhile.
Enjoy the martini. Maybe try and get to yoga or something. It will help you destress.
And you're right, so what, you failed! WHO CARES!
But now get back on the wagon.
just one?
climb on me.
'the wagon'
I think we all have those times... but you better get back soon or non-runner me will beat your week!
Good always follws bad...hang on in there!
LOVE that card.
And there's always going to be days like that. You'll bounce back up tomorrow!
a martini? one? one martini isn't really drinking, in my opinion. besides, I think the week starts tomorrow anyway.
Yea baby. drink it up. I had one of "those" days yesterday too. must be a full moon or something. Just don't let it get you down today, because it can only get better!
Something fantastic is going to happen today!
Good Lord, we've all been THERE! Hang in there POM. It's just a day. Have your martini. Hell, have two! You are still one badassmofo!
And isn't someecards the best thing ever????
How was the martini last night? Hope it was straight up! I am a big martini fan. Must have at least one martini per week.
ahhh...we have all visited where you are.
Need those cards. Can I get a tshirt?
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