Favorite quote of the night: "Normal girls don't eat like you."
Thank goodness I'm not normal!
Please note the fish eyeballs on the side of "After" plate. I do admit that the eye balls creeped me out a bit, but whateves.
Song of the day: Swagga Like Us by T.I.
OMG there is no way i could handle that :)
Seriously! Where are you eating you crazy girl! OH my gosh! I can't believe you ate that, and the eyeballs... creeped me out too!
We made this at HOME peeps! This is how we roll. Fresh caught fish, cooked the same day, by the Captian! lurrrvvvesss it!!!
Totally. Awesome.
It's really the only way to eat fish. It dries out so much sitting there de-boned and head-free. Good for you two for bringin on authentic fare!
Omg, those fish eyeballs are kinda freaking me out!! Wow, you guys have some voracious appetite! ;-)
What's funny is that in the before shot those fish look like they only have one eyeball, like you pulled them out of some pond next to a nuclear power plant or something! And while the eyeballs and bones might seem intimidating, I would try this fish. But probably would have left the eyeballs on the plate ala POM! What kind of fish was it??? Lucas LOVES her some fish!
It was a Rock Cod fish, similar to a red snapper. These are the types of things you learn when dating a captain. haha.
how cool are you two? Catching, cooking and eating fishies all in the same day. That Capt. is a catch.
Wow! They look delicious (yes, eyeballs and all!)
Aaaahhh- that's spooky. Fish eyes totally creep me out (but strangely enough, I have no issue with gutting a fish). It's like they're watching you eat them.
Totally funny, though.
My aunt recommends sucking on fish eyes as it's supposed to improve your eyesight. I then asked her why she wore glasses. That didn't go over well.
I'll only eat fish when I can see the ocean. The eyes are a little creepy, but it looks fantastic!
Oddly enough, I HATE ordering fish at restaurants or buying it in the market. Lord knows what crap they put in it to keep it "looking" fresh when it's been sitting there for a week. Now that's icky.
So glad I know exactly where my fish comes from and I get to make out with him. ha ha.
gross gross gross. i have seen fosh served with the eyes, but that's just nasty.
d tells me i don't eat like a normal girl either.
I'm all about eating fresh fish but this freaked me out! :-)
Wow, that's some intense fish-eating! Very nice.
I can barely handle looking at the picture. Yuck!
ok, I LOOOOOVE fish...but fish that I don't have to have a staring contest with
Holy moly! I might have nightmares from the fish eyes. You are a way more daring eater than I am. Tuna in a can is as far as I will go.
I don't like my food to look me in the eye.
I love fish, but damn. They look mutated! What kind of bug-eyed sea creature is that?
LOL, nevermind, I just read your comment.
I bet that was so good!! Of course the eyeballs freaked me out...and I probably would have choked on a bone!!!
I'm not sure I could have eaten something that was staring up at me from the plate!
Man, that was some fish if I have ever seen it. If you sucked on the eyeballs I am puking. LOL!
I am still skeered shitless of seafood. I think I need to grow up.
Glad the running has come back...
So, I have been MIA for a bit but see a ol' name back in posts and a lil giddiness in your typing:-)
Have a great weekend!
Eyeballs...not so yummy!!!
You ROCK!@!!
Hmmm... not so sure I could stomach that...
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