I am a little hesitant to put up any photos since I haven't done ANYTHING decorating wise.
But I'll show you a few:
BEFORE - looking from living room to kitchen - how gross is this paint and carpet? The kitchen had linoleum from the 70s I think.
AFTER - Ripped out all flooring, painted and new base boards. You can see there is still a mess in the kitchen. They delivered my new stove, but the old gas gasket thingy was too big. So I had to have it replaced. Stove can't be installed until this Friday. So it's sitting in the middle of the kitchen.
The walls are Pearl White with the trim in Swiss Coffee. There is a slight contrast and I like it. I didn't want to go crazy with color for the paint because I get sick of things easily. So if I feel a need to redecorate, I can just switch out some rugs and pictures and be done with it.

What you see is this pic are the only remaining pieces of furniture. I don't even like these pieces and they will be going as soon as the new can be brought in.
So there ya have it so far. My closet is almost organized. I'll post those pics tomorrow - maybe.
Regarding running - I had an 8 miler scheduled this weekend and it just didn't happen. Based on a few things out of my control, the move & clean up took longer than expected. I'm so grateful for my friends and fam who stepped in and helped out. Tomorrow morning will be my first run in my new 'hood. I have no idea where to go, but I'll figure it out. Thank goodness for the Garmin.
Oooh! I like the new look.
Be safe tomorrow, let Garmin be your guide =).
very zen like...i like it.
good changes! Although I LOVE color, and the best thing about having my very own house was getting to paint all the walls in dramatic bold colors!
i hope you have a great run tomorrow morning. It will so fun to find all the new good running routes!
I can't wait for the closet pics!
Your new wood floors totally makes a huge difference. You must be so tired from all this work. Have a great run tomorrow!
good luck tomorrow in the new hood! Love the new look :)
Great home makeover!! I'm sure that took a lot of work. I remember even just being on my feet for hours painting really wiping me out.
Enjoy your run!
Those new floors look FANTASTIC! Definite improvement. Great work.
Wow, looks great!
Have fun exploring the new neighborhood.
Huge improvement, it's more bright and airy now. I like it!
Wow! Place looks GREAT!! Huge improvement!
Wow- what a difference! I can't wait to see the after-after pics with all your decor in. I love it!!
Have fun exploring your new area on foot. :)
gorgeous!!!!! well done - your condo looks amazing! What IS a condo? I've always wondered! How is it different from a flat? xxx
Love the condo as well.
life is moving and shakin for you, Woman.
It looks so bright and happy! Yay you!
Love love love it. You really made improvments. Can't wait to see how you decorate.
it takes a lot to get settled into a new place like that. I love tile work, I think it's very zen to make all of the grout lines just perfectly aligned. I laid all the tile in my kitchen, if a pic ever shows up on the blog.
btw, are you on facebook? John Flynn, friend me if you are. i just got on.
That wood floor makes a *huge* difference! My wife watches one of those home channels a lot and I'm always amazed at how much the small things can add up to make a huge difference in a living space!
Hope to meet you running around the neighborhood soon!
Looks great! Congrats on the new place :)
LOL@ your Dad's scorful eye. I also still have the fear of that eye. the place looks fantastic girl. the decorating and such will come with time and da$ fo sho! You got the big stuff done and it looks very modern. We did wood not too long ago and still dusting from that shiz. I swear I think that wall is the color of my bedroom and I picked. It just looked better on the sample. Enjoy washing/drying your lil heart out.
I liked the innovative way you organized the closet especially the tie rak for neclaces, cute!
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