The other thing that I did last year was follow these rules:
- Fashionably Flexible: Long runs on Fri, Sat OR Sun - whatever day works best for me.
- Weak Weekdays: Only 3 times per week MAX and not over 5/6 miles. No need to go out and get injured.
- Cerebral Caloric Intake: If you remember I gained weight on my first marathon, but I was a svelte sister on my 2nd one. Gotta watch what goes in the pie hole.
- Luscious Longies: 3 runs of 20+ plus miles, maxing out at 22 miles.
- Yoga Yahoo: Continue to do Bikram at least 2 days a week - aiming for 3.
- Healthapotamus: Get refocused on hydration/nutrition/vitamins/supplements.
I know I've said it a million times but I swear that Bikram helped me stay uninjured during my second training season. So I'm sticking it.
On another note, do ya'll remember that one time I had a guest blogger??? Well "Clinton" has really gotten into running. We are trying to lure him into the realm of full marathons. We would have so much fun if he came with us to Wisconsin. We can talk about clothes and running and eat cheese. Come on Clinton, you gots to come with!
Last, and I'll stop rambling. I just want to say how awesome my girls are that we have decided to do this again. This is our 3rd year - they are very cool chicks and I'm blessed to have them as friends, even though we're all so far away. ((HUGS))
Get ready for a whole new wave of crazy! I didn't even mention that I signed DOCS yesterday for my new condo. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah!
I am in for Milwaukee. I will register on 5/15, but I am so there!
I can't believe you cut an HOUR off your marathon time. I ran my first (an only, so far) marathon in 4:50 and am hoping to cut my time down to 4:30 on my next one. But cutting an hour? Holy smokes, that is amazing!!!
Sounds like a great plan. And CONGRATS on signing for the new condo! So exciting!
Yayy! Looks like you are getting back on track. I am starting training for my second half-marathon at the end of June and I'm thinking about adding Bikram into the plan a couple days a week.
Do you think it helped a lot with your running?? Cutting an hour off your time is ammaazzinng!
Super motivating post! Good for you, and thanks for the Bikram tip. I SO need it today as I wallow in self-pity about injuring myself three flippin' weeks before my first marathon. So now I am looking ahead to fall, signing up possibly for the Twin Cities full. You've got me thinking about Milwaukee... Onward! :)
Congrats on the condo! That's a big deal!
And congrats on getting back into the marathon swing of things. It's cool you've got your girls to get you motivated.
Love the plan and the tips. I might steal some. Happy smooth sailing for the condo thing. I am really jealous. I want a condo too!
I love your rules. Especially that you are being realistic and that you are continuing the yoga!
I am totally with you on those rules as well. That's how I train too. :) Congrats on the condo and you will do great. :)
I can't wait to follow you through another round of marathon training. I begin training for my second in mid June and I plan to incorporate your philosophy this time around. Congrats on your condo purchase!
Congrats on the new condo!
And good luck with "ze plan"; it worked awesome last fall so I'm sure you'll rock it again with this go round!
Hmmm...I could drive to Milwaukee. (thinking, thinking....)
Great to hear about your plans. They look Good.
Congrats on your own place! Enjoy the home improvement.
Congrats on signing on your place - so exciting!
Your marathon training plan looks great. I did two 20 milers this time around, and next time I think I'd like to try at least one 20+ run.
congrats on your new plan, congrats on the condo, and congrats for finally getting your ass back to it. MUAH!
I may borrow your plan well part of it. I am running my first full at the end of June - so clearly I won't be able to borrow it all. I am super behind and need to run a 10 tomorrow!!! I also need to return to bikram- you inspired me and I was going four times a week- when suddenly I broke out in ezcema from head to toe- so bikram was out for awhile.
love your terminology, you should write the marathoning guide for hip chicks. I'm way unhip so I would be left out of reading it, but it would get lots of press I'm positive
Awesome plan! Sounds like you are ready to roll!!! Congrats on the Condo Docs!!!
that's a great looking plan. and did you close the condo sale already? wow, that was quick. can't wait to see some pics of the new stomping grounds?
seriously, glad you got a plan together. looks like you are right on track, really organized and totally have your shit together. now go lasso a husband already!!!?!
YEAH!! Marathons :) YEAH!!! New places to live :) YEAH!!! Great friends!
Yeah chica! I completely agree with MizFit you are totally a Decide and Do'r! I can't wait to read about your training.
I think this might be your year to BQ...if you took off an hour the first time...what's a few minutes? (hehe a whole lot, I know but I think you can do it!)
Oooh...new place! I love those first few days when you move somewhere new and it's all exciting and shiz. Good for you! And glad to see you're back in the game...I am trying, myself.
You are totally a doer! Good luck with your plan.
Looks like you've got a good plan worked out.
I love this...."Gotta watch what goes in the pie hole." He he he...
Cant wait to read more about your training!! best of luck!
Congrats! I love your plan!
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