Monday, November 26, 2007

Giddy Up

Time to get back in the saddle again.

Because this weekend, I seriously fell off the horse. Not just the horse. The entire buggy went skidding off the road, hit a big piece of pumpkin pie and rolled into a jug a wine.

If being a glutton was an art form, I have perfected the technique and will be offering courses at the local college. Sign up early.

Four days of eating everything in sight - oh and drinking.
There was wine, I saw, I conquered.

Exercise you ask? Well, there as none of that.
Unless you count getting up from the sofa to pour another glass of wine and nibble on yet another piece of pumpkin bread/cake/nuts/pie/chex mix/etc.
As you may notice in the photo, I was once again in the kitchen. That bottle of wine behind me is just one of the many victims. (Isn't my Grams the cutest thing ever?)

So needless to say, I didn't step on the scale at all.

But it all ends now.

Starting this morning, back to counting calories. Hitting the gym tonight where I will step on the scale and assess the damage.

Results to be posted tomorrow.


J~Mom said...

I am so with you! Bring on the new week!

Mrs Furious said...

You look FANTASTIC! Totally Hot!

Marcy said...

HOLY CRAP!!! That is NOT granny!!! I thought that was your Mom!! You look fabulous too, BTW!!

Lori said...

I'm with Marcy - Granny looks super young! Lucky you with those genes :)

The alcohol was a huge problem for me on this holiday weekend, too. I suppose I could just find a new family. It would probably be easier than trying to quit.

SoberMommie said...

Both of you look fabulous!!!
And I agree with bring on the new week. UGH!!!

Viv said...

I have to agree you both look fantablous!

I faced the scale last night, and I think I may have let out a scream! Back to counting what I consume reality.

Good luck with the scale, maybe it will not be too bad.

P.O.M. said...

Thanks everyone. She's actually worked really hard at getting her weight down - she lost about 30 lbs with weight watchers at age 70.

RunnerGirl said...

wow - you're granny is awesome!

Jess said...

You're preachin' to the choir sista!

teacherwoman said...

I thought I was the only one that ate a lot and workout ... well, no working out here.

Hope the gym treated you better than me! :)

Tall Girl Running said...

Happens to the best of us. Thanksgiving is meant for guiltless gluttony.

Anonymous said...

Your grams looks *SO* young!

And should you get this teaching job, let me know if you ever need a substitute instructor - I could certainly give a lesson or two on the topic.

Heather said...

Agreed with Mrs. F -- totally hot! I'm so jealous of your weekend. Mine was BOOOOR-ing and one measly glass of wine was had. Yawn.

Nancy said...

Oh $hit, WINE counts????

Giddy up! :D

Amy said...

Yowza, Grams is rockin' it!

That's a shame about the buggy crash... Although, it was lucky that pumpkin pie was there to break your fall -- what a way to go out!

Hop back on, girl. The rest of us just did... My poor horse is groaning from the weight. I think he remembers the load being lighter last week...

Database Diva said...

Actually I'm still rolling around in the wagon tracks with a cookie in one hand and a bottle of Bailey's in the other. I promise to sober up and start crawling after the wagon tomorrow. Did someone say a horse was pulling the wagon? That could really suck, but so will crawling on my skinned up knee, especially with my stomach dragging on the ground!

Unknown said...

I've been afraid to step on teh scale too. But it was actually fairly kind to me given the gluttony!!

A said...

Bravo! Bring it on!

Laurel said...

I think there are some good genes in your family!

Tara Shirley said...

Finally!! Someone who admits to a horrible Thanksgiving!! I made the worst choices EVER and everyone I know says they did great! So finally someone who wasn't perfect last week! I planned on jumping right back on the wagon yesterday, but oops, I ate some pie, my bad! Today is the day though!

BTW, I love your blog! Found you through Sister Skinny.

Mendy said...

Holy cow. That looks like exactly what I would have wrote - but you write stuff much funnier.

Grams is adorable!

Let's get back on that wagon and on the road!