Friday, November 30, 2007

Let the Festivities Begin

Today's' addition of "Fun Fact Friday" has been postponed until next week to bring you this late breaking, hard-hitting news.....

Go Jessica... It's your birthday.

We're gonna party like it's your birthday.

Yes, my name is Jessica and yes, this weekend we are celebrating my birthday. The festivities begin as soon as I get off work today (early, of course). I'm really excited so I had to share:


Light 30 min. Workout
Massage at 1pm at a fancy spa
Home to get gussied up
Shopping at Fashion Island with The Captain (to buy me presents!)
Birthday Bellinis
Romantic Dinner at Forest 230 with lots of wine

I am planning on keeping up with my workouts this weekend. Running has been non-existent in my world. It still feels like someone is stabbing me in the hip with a knife every time I take a step. Just thought I would share that update with ya, since this is supposed to be a "running blog." SHAAA RIGHT!

So back to the important stuff, please take this moment to reflect on birthdays and then send me a present. hee hee.

Thank you.

Song of the Day: Birthday by Via Satellite


Lori said...

Happy Happy Birthday! It sounds like you are going to have one fan-freaking-tastic day. I am insanely jealous, but promise to not hold it against you ;)

katieo said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How old are you turning?

(And jessica? whoa, it's throwing me off just a tad.)

Nancy said...

Jessica is seriously throwing me for a loop. How could we be seeing each other for so long and I know so little about you?

HAVE A BLAST!!! and some wine for me.

Laurie said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Have a lovely weekend!!

Wish I could encourage you in the running, but I had to give it up about 10 years ago after repetitive stress fractures sidelined me for a year. So now I just park waaaaayyyyy out in the StuffMart parking lot and walk the 1/2 mile to the door.

Amy said...

"Who's Jessica?" Oh, duh. Hehe.

Happy freakin' birthday! Sounds like it's gonna be a good one! I'll eat a slice of cake and drink several glasses of wine in your honor; it'll be hard to eat food devoid of any nutritionally value, but I'm sure I'll survive! ;)

Laurel said...

WOO-HOO! Happy Birthday girl! Live it up!

Nice! Going to Fashion Island for gifts, huh? I went there a few months ago when I was visiting the inlaws. GREAT mall!

Tri+Umph said...

Happy birthday, dude-ette!

Hip pain sucks big time. Believe you me, I know!

J~Mom said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! I love the new hair too!

Ian said...

Happy Birthday! Make it count.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jessica!!!

I too love to plan little treats for myself on my birthday (i.e. massage!).. ENJOY!!!

Hope you have the best afternoon and romantic date w/ze Captain!

Marcy said...


Unknown said...

Happy happy birthday! (I KNEW I drank all that wine last night for a reason -- must have been in your honor!)

J said...

Oh my. That does look like a fancy spa. And a very fancy restaurant as well! Have a great birthday!

P.S. I think you should throw away your scale just for this weekend!!

Unknown said...

now why do i have in my palm pilot (i know... sooo 90's) that your b-day is dec. 24th??? not that i've called or sent a card ever, but it's in there!! sheesh... have a great one and can't wait to hear what el cap splurged on you!! hip hikes haven't delivered as promised?? loved the pics of you, holly, and your gram. i swear you are all morphs of your mom... except your coloring is your dad, of course! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!! it's funny that your name is jessica because when i first saw your picture, i though "she looks like jessie (my sister-in-law)". hope you have (had? what time is it) a great one!

Anne said...

Happy Birthday! Let's hope you didn't have too many birthday bellinis or you'll never get off that treadmill this weekend. Take care of that hip, too. Sharp pain, not good.

Amy said...

Yay! Have a great birthday!!!!!!

Jess said...

Another fellow Jessica? Awesome. Welcome to the club! Even though there are a gazillion of us, I still like to think of it as an elite club.

Hope the b-day was splediferous: you've planned a nearly perfect day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

I'm so jealous! I'm countin down the days until mine... 17 to go!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!

Mendy said...

Way cool! Now I know your name.

Happy Birthday Jessica!!!! Hope you had a blast!!!

Ehh... really our blogs are about life, with a little running mixed in!

Tara Shirley said...

Happy birthday!! Hope you had a great day!

SoberMommie said...


Viv said...

Happy belated Birthday! I hope it was absolutely fantastic!!

Viv said...

Happy belated Birthday! I hope it was absolutely fantastic!!

Margo said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Been out and haven't had a chance to catch up on blogs quite yet. Your hair looks great too!

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