Wednesday, November 14, 2007

News Alert

I have sad news to report today- I will NOT be able to blog tomorrow. Nor will I be able to read blogs tomorrow. Once again, there will be no blogging of any kind tomorrow.

Why, you ask?

Well, I am heading to Houston, Texas for the day. For work. This is just a precursor, as seasonal extensive travel is required for my job and the season is about to begin. So this will be a little test to get you guys used to me not being around everyday. It might be rough at first, but we will make it through together.

Please don't shed a tear. I will be back. All will be restored in the world.

Friday we will have another special news alert, as there will be a new segment here on Pieces of Me. Ok, I will tell you now. Fridays are now going to be known as "Fun Fact Friday." Yep, that's right. Fun Facts of all kinds will be revealed on Fridays. I bet you can't wait. But you'll have to...

Song of The Day: Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul and Mary
(I was a BIG fan of them as a child. Obviously hippy parents played a part in that)


Anonymous said...

*sob.* And I was just getting to know you. ;)

Have fun in Houston.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Aw, great song! I knew every song on the PPM Greatest Hits album by the time I was six. Our My Little Ponies used to have concerts where they would perform the entire album.

Nancy said...

"extensive seasonal travel" ?? ouch. And I had just popped the question. I had no idea you'd be gone so much.

Viv said...

Ah, man! Looking forward to fun fact Friday.

Houston welcomes P.O.M. It is going to be perfect weather here tomorrow. That's all I got here 4 ya.

A said...

Figures. I find you, and you leave me. -sniff- I'm not sure my self-esteem can handle this kind of rejection.

You'd better come back with some darned good airport/hotel stories to share! ;)

Anne said...

New look...I like. Enjoy Houston, if you can. You are doing much better than me on the weight loss challenge, but that's what happens when you buy four bags of Halloween candy and then only have four trick-or-treaters come to your door.

Lori said...

I love that song! And so excited about Fun Fact Friday :)

Marcy said...

Darn it!!! I'll miss you :(

Fun Fact Friday, huh? Are you going to be spilling juicy facts or what?

Jess said...

I like John Denver's version better.

Unknown said...

Thanks for leaving a comment! :-)

I will be checking out your blog as well from now on!

Have fun in Houston. My boyfriend is from there, and I have been a few times. It is a pretty good time.

Laurel said...

Oohh! Another reason to TGIF! Haha.

Have a safe trip!

Amy said...

I'm so sad that I can barely make words.
This isn't fair...

Vickie said...

Well hurry back! The blogger world will be on hold until Fun Fact Fridays get started!

Laura N said...

Hope you have a good, productive, healthy trip! Looking forward to Friday's Fun Fact. I love random stuff like that.

Pokey said...

Love em and Leave em.

I see how you are :P


Jes said...

Aww I used to have a Peter, Paul and Mary tape... it had Puff The Magic Dragon on it! lol Have a safe trip!

Margo said...

Wish I would have seen your posting earlier since I live in Houston - could have had a quick meet and drink! Sounds like things would have been busy for you though since it was only one day. Hope you were treated well in H-town.

Maddy said...

Did anyone else notice that the exhaust on the airplane says "nooooooo" Even the airplane doesn't like it when you miss a day.

And this coming from a girl who waited a full seven days between her posts...

Looking forward to the fun fact!

SoberMommie said...

Hope you had a great trip but....
it's Friday! Where's the "Fun Fact"?!?! We are waiting. =)

Reluctant Runner said...

Yeah, c'mon POM ... give us those fun facts! Hope your trip went well.