Yippy. I think I'm running it alone, but the Captain will be at the finish line, so that's fine with me. I ran this race last year and my time was 56:44. My PR for a 10K is 55:23. So I just want to beat that time. I'm a little worried that I'm slower because:
A. I still have hip issues
B. I am fatter and Heavy girl = Slow girl
C. I have been focusing on distance rather than speed
So, we shall see what happens
This is a FUNDRAISING run, so pleeeeeeeeeeeease stop by my fundraising page if you have any loose change laying around and you want to help feed the hungry. If you would like more info on the charity, check out the Feed OC Website. Also, there just MIGHT be a photo of a certian captain on my fundraising page, so if you want to check out his cuteness, you will just have to go to my fundraising page. And then since you're already there, you can just donate a few bucks. Sneaky, huh?
Last - the first weigh in for the Holiday Weight Loss Challenge will be monday! I hope everyone has been on thier A-game. To be honest, I have been a total booze-hound this week and broke all my rules when it comes to drinking. Damn Blueberry Vodka! But starting today, I am going to find a way to get at least 2 hours a day of some sweaty workouts in all weekend to make sure my weight goes DOWN instead of UP. ITS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN UP - so if you have a few extra ELL-BEEs you want to shake, then check us out. We also have a fancy forum for chatting about food, drinks, goals, stats, etc.
Dassssssssss it for now. Have a great weekend peeps.
Song of the day: Boom Boom Boom by The Outhere Brothers
Congrats on the trot sign up! My trot is only a 5K but I too am aiming for a PR.
55:00 for a 10K is pretty speedy -- good luck!
I am preparing myself for Monday -- nothing but lettuce and water over the weekend. Kidding. I'm not a rabbit.
Love the 80's outfit... I could get addicted to this blog. I think at one point I was addicted to Ms. PacMan. Hmm...
Thanks for visting me.
Question for you: do you consider a double vodka martini with three blue cheese-stuffed olives diet food? If so, I'm SOOO going to kick A$$ on Monday!
The good thing about running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving is that it gives you the green light for the gravy!
55:23 is pretty darn fast! You go girl!
jessica joy- love your blog and though it inspires me daily (e.g. ate cottage cheese on wheat bread this a.m.- yummers), i'm not ready for the monday weigh in. thanks for the electric boog memories- man, the 80s were the bomb!
by the way, isn't "holiday weight loss" an oxymoron, like "jumbo shrimp"?
You'll do it!! No doubts chica!!! ;D ;D
I just found your blog...I soooo need to get on the weight loss challenge!
Someone kick my tail in gear, will ya? :I
Great job on that PR for the 10K. Sounds like you'll be able to beat the already fast pace you have!
Love the weight loss challenge. I'll have to join in, or should I say "Need" to join. But, posting weight in well, very embarrassing, but I'll get over it.
Thanks for the blind encouragement (to me) on this, I needed it!
Eeek. I want to join the weight loss challenge, but I have a pretty good idea how it will turn out for me (not very well). I seem to be working on my winter layer at the moment. :(
I am sooooo not looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow... I will admit. I might have had 1 too many beers this weekend, and a donut this morning for breakfast. grr...
I'm in for the weight loss challenge, but I'm not going to post my weight for all the world, friends and most importantly, ex-boyfriends to see. :) Is it cool if I just report on progress?
I LOVE this run! I skipped last year but I will be back this year. I am running it with the kids..14,11&6 year olds. We are all doing the 5k. Maybe we'll meet up =)
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