Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Bandwagon

I know its tres cliché, but I'm practicing for tomorrow. My family will definitely make us go around the table and say what we’re grateful for. Maybe I’ll try to mix it up this year.

Odd Things I’m Grateful For:

  1. Indie 103.1 so I don’t have to listen to the same crappy music on my way to/from work.
  2. That there are still a few good men out there and I just happen to find one of them.
  3. Martini’s – Dirty, shaken with a Big Damn Olive
  4. Expensive beauty products that make me feel better about myself
  5. Ponytails for bad hair days
  6. Hard Boiled Eggs – the perfect food
  7. Half Off Appetizer menus at Happy Hour
  8. Random Capitalization and use of Dashes and Parenthesis (it’s my blog and I’ll write how I want to)
  9. Flavored Green Tea – especially from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf – my fav place (Starbucks sucks)
  10. My loyal and wonderfully talented readers that think I'm funny.

Happy Turkey Day to You All. Over Consume and Enjoy Every Second of It.
PS: I'm going to be away from a computer for a while, so not sure when I can blog again.

Song of The Day: Always the Sun by The Stranglers


Ian said...

Happy Thanksgiving P.O.M.! You're wrong about Starbucks though.

Marcy said...

And you're right Starbucks does SUCK!!

Vanilla I thought you liked DD's?!?!

J~Mom said...

Great list (except the Starbucks part)! Hope you have a great day tomorrow!

RunnerGirl said...

Have to agree with you on the Starbuck's thing, have a great turkey day!

katieo said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!
and that sucks about the 10k. boohoo. Hope you can get some *healing* rest!

(btw, you cracked me up with the life coach comment at Mrs. F's)

Laurel said...

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Laurel said...

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Nancy said...

Love the wine-wielding turkey and random punctuation and capitolization. I'm glad you got one of the good guys too. :D

I'm thankful for your support and also for making me smile and laugh. Have a great day!!

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for starting the HWL Challenge. I will say that now and really mean it when I actually start losing the weight. But I guess you can't do everything for us... :}

Maddy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

You're a riot!

Unknown said...


Jess said...

That's a greta list. I like a flavored green tea from Celestial Seasonings that's got a citrus flavor to it -- it's good.

Ali said...

I love expensive beauty products, you are totally right they do make me feel better about myself.

Viv said...

I love the 1/2 price happy hour deals. I make meals from appetizers..
Starbucks monopolizes my area so it's that or make my own coffee(gasp)!

Crabby McSlacker said...

Awesome list.

And as a Great Believer in random capitalization--and in the Extensive Use of (or over-use of) parentheses and... well, pretty much any kind of punctuation there is--I'm glad to see you're just as fond of it as I am!

Oh and exclamation points, can't forget them!!!!

Anne said...

Good list. I love/need to eat more hard-boiled eggs and drink flavored green tea because my current diet is not helping me get any closer to the weight loss challenge goal set a month ago.

I wish there was a Coffee Bean near here. Alas, it's Starbucks and Starbucks and, oh yeah, Starbucks.

Reluctant Runner said...

Happy Thanksgiving, your POM-ness! Looking forward to hearing how your list of things to be grateful for goes over at the dinner table. ;-)

Mendy said...

Great list! I love expensive beauty products too - just wish they worked. :-)

I too could do without starbucks - I support our local java shop.

Mendy said...

BTW - Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a lovely holiday! And I HEAR YA on the martini comment.... YUM-O!!!!!!

Irish Blue said...

Love the list! I'm all about the makeup and Starbucks!

Lori said...

Love your list! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. It is always one of my greatest joys in life to have something new and completely random to be thankful for each year at Thanksgiving. This year's had to be that (out of 50ish people) I was very near the end ;)

SoberMommie said...

Great list! I'm right there with you...on most of them ;) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!