Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Facts of Life

You take the good, you take the bad

You take them both

And there you have...

((Sing it with me....))

The Facts of Life, The Facts of Life

I woke up in a panic this morning at 3:45 am. Anxiety kickin' in.
Lots of crap going...
And this song popped into my head.

Thanks to Tootie and the girls, I learned this valuable lesson: You gotta take the good with the bad.

So, here is my "good" - The Captain sent beautiful flowers to my work and made an amazing dinner last night! Yes, that's a huge steak and lobster (and wine, of course). I didn't eat the whole steak, which means I have a great left over lunch today too!



Ok, now for the "bad." My closet COLLAPSED this weekend. For an organized, OCD person, this was very, very bad. Now all my clothes are on my couch and there is crap everywhere. I think this is where my anxiety is coming from. This picture sucks, but you get the idea.
Another anxiety maker - I am leaving for a business trip Friday for seven days of 16 hour days - mostly on my feet (and don't even get to dine on my own). All meals with my client. Stressed much?
Song of The Day: The Way I Am, by Ingrid Michealson


Unknown said...

That is sooo funny you woke up with that song in your head. Hahha.

Good luck surviving your business trip! And god luck with the closet. Eeek!

Lori said...

I love your outlook on it. I know that for me, personally, I would be crazy with anxiety because of the fact that I was leaving on Friday and my closet had decided to revolt. In my case, if I could get it all put together before I had to leave, I know it would be a much easier trip. Good luck. I wish we could all come and give you a hand :)

J~Mom said...

Ugh! If my closet collapsed I would never, ever find my way out! Hang in there!

Petraruns said...

IKEA. You must get to IKEA. Now. Surely they have one near you? All the organiser doodads etc. will have you happily organising and hanging until deep into the night, all the time humming to yourself. Focus on the Captain - a man who gives you surf n turf is keeper!

Petraruns said...

IKEA is the inner circle of hell. There were riots and injuries during a sale they held in London last year. I know. But a crisis is a crisis. And that mess looks like a crisis. Particularly for a type A personality. I need one of those as my wife..

Marcy said...

OMG I would POOP my pants if that happened to my closet. Just think of all the ironing that needs to be done. I cringe looking at it :-(

Marcy said...

Oops I forgot to add: Hang in there chica!!! The craziness will soon pass ;D ;D

Anonymous said...

I love that show! BTW, what sort of stuff do you have to do for your job?

Viv said...

Hang tough! That dinner looks great as does flowers. I would say that is surely good. I am OCD with being organized. I had to look away from the pic. Good luck with it getting it back to normalcy.

If you are gonna be in Houston for your trip and have a spare hour let me know. I will treat ya to fabalous martini. U derserve it! My email is linked on my blog.

Viv said...

PS love the Facts of Life pic. Now that I have gained weight, the chubby chic not so chubby to me..hmmmm?

Maddy said...

Lemme Guess... You're going to Florida for business... I'll be in San Diego next week.

Your closet in it's current state makes me sad. You'll get it squared away!

And that meal! Whoa! Hang on to The Cap! w00t! w00t!

Jess said...

Oh no! That closet makes me want to tear my own hair out!

Anonymous said...

oooh, the Captain's dinner looks devine!! As for the closet... I would experience heart palpitations too, I'm super-clean.

Laura N said...

Oh man, that sucks big time. At least the Captain is there with yummy food and good lovin. Yeah, business trips can be super stressful. That's a long one, too. You'll get through with flying colors, I'm sure!

Sarah said...

Your 'Good' is my 'Fantastic'. As if you found a man that cooks!!!

I would sit on the floor and cry if my closet collapsed.

P.S. I love facts of life.