Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Processing.... Please Hold

I am still in Houston and too busy blog? Can you believe it? How can ANYONE be too busy to blog? I do not know how to cope. But I'm trying.

Check back next Monday. The regular scheduled program shall return.


Viv said...

Hang in there chica!
You are about to feel how cold it can get here in Houston, I hope you bought a sweater or sumfin'

J~Mom said...

Hope it gets better!!

teacherwoman said...

I was starting to wonder about you! :)

Marcy said...

This is TOTALLY unacceptable :P JK!
Hurry up and get unbusy! LOL

Mendy said...

It's a very busy time. Understandable - but hurry back!!!

Amy said...

There you are!!!!

Margo said...

So glad others are slackers too when life hits! :) Hope you are enjoying Houston. We brought the cold in just for you! Email me at if you need any restaurant recommendations.

Jess said...

So Texas really does swallow up people!

Razz said...

I just blame it on the fact that you're in Houston.

Laura N said...

Hope you're doing okay and enjoying yourself. Looking forward to hearing about it. Take care of you!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I was caught in a work-related travel tornado last week and took the week off from blogging. Hang in there!