Friday, November 7, 2008

Wee Wee Weekend

Praise Sweet Little Baby Jebbus
The weekend is here!

I am hitting the road in a few to travel 81 miles to my sisters house where I will be smothered with luvin' by my adorable nieces. Ok, maybe not. But I did bring presents because I am not above bribing them for love.

I called my sis today and asked her to put Gi (3 y.o) niece on the phone:

Sister: Gi, do you want to talk to Aunt Sis (that's what they call me)

Gi: No

Sister: Do you want to talk to Cinderella?
Gi: Yes (She runs and grabs the phone)

Gi: Hi Cinderella
Me: Well Helloooo Dear Gianna (in a really creepy princess voice)
Gi: How is Disneyland?
Me: It is lovely this time of year. You should come visit me at my castle.
Gi: What is the name of your prince? (Where the hell does she get this stuff?)
Me: His name is Prince Charming.
Gi: Ok bye. I love you Cinderella.

Hey, I'll take what I can get. But I think now she is expecting Cinderella to come over this afternoon instead of me. Anyone have a blue ball gown and blond wig I can borrow?


Sarah said...

Hilarious!! Buy the stuff and add it to your Halloween bin for next year! ha ha. Have fun

healthy ashley said...

This is hysterical. I especially love the visual you gave us!

Unknown said...

Ha! You're gonna have some explaining to do to the 3 yr old...

Mel-2nd Chances said...

lol too cute. enjoy the weekend.

C said...

Not to worry. You will easily convince her with your beauty queen looks. And your jazz hands, of course. Can't forget the jazz hands.

Have a great weekend!

joyRuN said...


That was a brilliant tactic! I'll have to try that with my son. "Did you want to talk to Megatron?"

Good luck tomorrow, Cindy.

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO! That's some smart thinking! I'm going to have to use this tactic when my parents call. The kids always REFUSE to talk to them :P

Sarah said...

LMAO. "I love you Cinderella". That is hilarious.

Viv said...

HAHAHA that is great! At least she did'nt say can I come visit you at your castle.

Have a great weekend Cinderlla!

Susan said...

Awwww! What a good auntie!

Judi said...


So don't they get in your way when you run?

Razz said...

Don't worry...disappointing kids gets easier. I do it all the time.

teacherwoman said...

Too cute!

N.D. said...

That is sooo cute!! Gianna is her name? So weird, not a common name, but a name we are considering!! Have fun cinderelly!1

SSP said...

oh surely you have a tiara sitting around gathering dust....don't we all?? :-) OK, maybe that is just me....thanks for your note on my blog :-)

Michelle said...

So, now you have to be back home at midnight!!! Or you know what happens Cinderella???

Have a blast at your sis!!

Enjoy a run too!!!

Maggs said...

Cute. Reminds me of conversations with my 4 year old nephew.

Jess said...

Have a good weekend with the munchkins!

Mrs Furious said...


That was genius on your sister's part. Why have I never thought of that. Of course if it was to lure Kid we'd have to say it was some religious figure or something ;)

Julianne said...

LOL! Cinderella, that is too funny!!

Denise said...

Too cute!! Have fun this weekend!!

Unknown said...

Hehe that's very cute. You'd make for an awesome Cinderella!

Alisa said...

Kids can be soooo adorable. My nieces call my sister-in-law aunt candy (b/c she always brings them candy)'s pretty cute!

Kelly said...

that is adorable.

RunToTheFinish said...

Hilarious!! Now I know how to connect with my niece!

Laurel said...

LOL! I love it!

I'm sure when you show up with gifts they wont be too disappointed you are not Cinderella.

X-Country2 said...

Little kids are too cute. You should be able to find something cheap at Walmart. Assuming you're 3ft tall.

Petraruns said...

I'm missing the cutout of prince charming...

Steve Stenzel said...

HA! Good luck pulling that off!! That's too funny!!

Brianna said...

Once you're there she'll totally forget about the Cinderella. YOU'LL be the one showering her with love and affection, afterall. 3 year olds just eat up all the attention they can get!

Reluctant Runner said...

The "talk to Cinderella" idea is great ... my kids were always pretty shy about talking to relatives on the phone. But they would have talked to, say, a Pokemon.

Hope you have a great weekend, Auntie!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Love it!

I'll try Batman the next time I want to talk to my nephew... I don't know if I'll be able to pull that one off convincingly. =)

Hope your visit was lovely!

marie said...

HA! I am so trying that on my younger niece!

carla said...

Praise Sweet Little Baby Jebbus

Im choosing to see that as a Talladega Nights reference.

Brooke said...

Haha! You got trumped by Cinderella. Was she disappointed when you showed up? How did the bribes go over?

Chic Runner said...

ha ha ha hope you had fun with them... and they were too dissapointed that cinderella didn't show!

eurydice said...

Ha, that's adorable. I am not above bribing people for love either ;)