Since it's 2/6 - I will go to the 2nd folder; 6th picture.
EWE - I don't love this pic. This is my sis and I at my grandpa's 80th bday party a couple weeks ago. My sister's bangs are weird. She's growing them out. I got her that sweater for Christmas. It's cute, huh?
Story time:
I went out with my girlies last night. Dinner then drinks, you know how it goes? Someone thought it was a good idea to order a FOURTH bottle of wine. WTF?
Well this guy, we'll call him "Smarmy" took a liking to me. Apparently, I spent a lot of time talking to Smarmy and agreeing to see him again. I don't remember much about him except he had little lips. Ick.
Anyway, maybe I should give him a try. I asked my girls what they thought - He's kinda nerdy like Dr. Drew, is what was said. But he's totally not as hot as Dr. Drew. But now I have Dr. Drew in my head so I might get my hopes up and Smarmy will just turn out to be smarmy. Should I give him a try or just ignore him. He's already called and texted asking me out. I texted him back "raincheck." Since apparently I am not good at making decisions for myself, I will rely on you guys.
Song of the day: Flava In Your Ear by Craig Mack
i say date him. one date won't hurt, he's obviously attracted from last night. but could be a nerd for not following the 3 day rule. never call before the 3rd day. still, date him. one lunch that you can walk out of if it sucks can be empowering.
Trust your instincts. You're just not that into him. Save your energy and sexy outfits for someone that you are...
one date never hurts right? you never know... or like jess says above - coffee or a drink is a good idea. good luck :)
i dunno...if you weren't thinking straight and your friends say no..then I say if you trust your friends...
What do you have to lose? What about a day time date so it's not as "intimate" and you can duck out early...
I say go for it!!!
One date! You may fall in love!!!!
Have a good weekend girlie!!
I just wanted to say that the word smarmy is my all time favorite word.
Smarmy and little lips, huh? Pass.
Ask him to join you for a run and brunch....see if he wants be a part of your life....
small lips, small.....?????
Not eating due to stress really does wonders for the scale :)
The whole little lip thing is bothering me. I say keep it movin'.
I'm loving your song of the day, by the way. Hip hop was better back then.
I say date him. Go for something casual though like a coffee date. What do you have to lose! :-)
did the girls say he was decent looking? if not, say no thanks. if you trust them, and they say he was cute, then go out with him. but relying on wine goggles to remember what a guy looks like might not be so smart....
If after the 4th bottle you recalled little lips and thought "ick", I say pass.
Hmmm soo confused. But I would probably do it for starbucks.. or a free meal. I'm such a bum! :) Good luck and lemme know what you decide. I can call you with a dire problem if neccesary when you meet him!
"it's going to ruin your baby making parts" oh golly I love reading what you write
Ahhh, give him a try. If anything you will get a freek meal out of the deal... and maybe a bottle of wine?
I vote you go for something short with a backup plan for cutting it short. Lunch or drinks or something low key.
He already called AND texted?! Um, get a free meal and call it good :)
Well...I say, go out with him if you think there is even a remote chance you'll have a good time. If you're only thinking "free meal" then I say skip it...although...now that I think about it, in this economy a free meal is a free meal.
What the hay...I say DO IT! (well, maybe not IT not right away...haha...JK)
jess and hahree - ahhh what lovelies!
a date wouldn't hurt, but you may come home feeling a tad depressed after a night out with the smarmsome ranger. tough call.
I dunno girl. From what I've heard, I'm not feeling the love. Smarmy, huh? Something about that has zero sex appeal.
If you were drunk and not really feeling it, that's not a good sign. Don't sell yourself short. You're a hotty and funny as hell! You don't need some nerdy, thin lipped guy wasting your time.
If you are already calling him Swarmy..I don't think he has much of a chance. Save your energy.
Great race pictures by the way. You look strong and accomplished! :)
You totally don't sound like you are even remotely interested. Going on a date with him might give you some 'story' material, and a night of possible entertainment (or maybe annoyance).
I vote don't date him - sounds like a waste of time!
One date can't hurt right?
i say let him take you out and wine you and dine you. What do you have to lose? You can always consider it networking if it proves not to be love life worthy..haha
Hey POM - It's been great catching up on your blog! Great job on your Half, love the pictures!
My vote is for coffee/brunch/lunch...something short and noncommital. If you still ick, you can bail quickly!
Go for coffee. You never know. And he might make up for the small lips in other areas...
Congrats on your race! (and seriously sexy legs!)
My 2 cents: go out with him.
Worst case scenario: you'll gain a funny story
Best case scenario: who knows! I thought the Cub was gay when I fist laid eyes on him, but now I know for sure that I was mistaken!
Date him! You never know, sometimes those nerdy types are great guys flying under the radar. Plus, it's always good practice . . .
You had me at "little lips"... those aren't fun. So glad you ditched him.
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