My gentle readers,
I tried to get the jazz hands into every photo op, but it didn't happen. I am truly sorry.
However, there is still humor to be found.
It looks like I'm actually enjoying myself in the first one - must be all the skills I learned in drama class. Faking the smile thing.
Funny thing is I looked up his time and he was actually 2 minutes ahead of me. I suck THAT much!
Can't breath.
Want to die.
You have no idea how much my heart hurts right now with the absence of jazz hands.
How will I go on??
you definitely have the best race pics :) i am dying at that guy behind you!! lol
Great Pictures!!
The guy behind you looks like he is trying to land an aircraft!
LMAO at the guy behind you! Great photos.
Ha! Great race pics and even better commentary.
What is that guy behind you! What a freak! ha ha, those are good pics though seriously... Why do boys always want to beat us. Get over getting chicked loser.
ROFL at the guy who wants to take you out. you're fixing to be in some pain. oh wait, you were already in some pain. still, looks like a good time. thanks for posting the pics.
Great pics! I have a half marathon coming up in May, will try to get some taken - I definitely don't look as good as you do, though!
That first one is a really great picture of you!
I think you photoshopped the smile. I don't remember smiling *during* the race.
Wow you take great running pictures! I turn BRIGHT red after about 10 minutes of running and look like a gross sweaty tomatoe.
That guy is weird :S haha
I possibly feel that airplane arms really took away any need to do jazz hands! Now, is this the same race that you got rained on last year? And you did great!
Love the order of the pics! You look good in them all! Like a tough runner!!
i think you look good. it's good to make yourself suffer. now go and register for a 50k or something different, something challenging. you need to break up some of that monotomy.
I like them! You look very strong.
Great pics! I had some funny ones too.
You look like your running away from that guy's hug. Your face seems to say, in slow motion no less, "Nooooooooooo!" With good reason.
love all the photos!!!!
Nice pictures, you look great. That last one says it all- whew! What a race. :)
You're a rockstar with or without the jazz hands!
I am training for a hella long bike ride from Houston to Austin and I got off of my bike bc I dropped something. I did that half jog/ half walk type of run to pick up what I had dropped and then back to my bike and I wanted to die. I said outloud, "Running a marathon will never be a freakin goal of mine! UGH!" And then people passed me and thought I was crazy.
Running is hard. Go you Miss Athletic thighs! Woop woop! ;)
Haha you have "jazz hands" and I have the bunny arms...though mine ALWAYS ALWAYS make an embarassing appearance.
You look great chica...I'm jealous of the sunshine and warmth!
you look great! the fact that the guy was behind you in 3 out of 4 pics gives me the creeps- maybe he was checking you he single?
Great pictures....the guy behind you cracks me up! Especially in the one where he looks like a plane
Love the pics.
my goal for this year is to get 1 decent running pic!
dude you were so fast that guy was trying to slow you down because he thought you might take flight
Great pics! :)
You're looking good though, if not very happy...
You should have just stopped - bang - that would taken the plane down..
that first pic is a keeper, like blow up size keeper. Your legs look fantastic in that second one, no doubt. If I would have seen that mo fo in gray out there I woulda tripped him. He just looks annoying.
That guy in the 3rd pic got his pics and is like, "Sweet! I got a pic with a hot chick!"
Looking good girlie!!!
Strong legs and a nice smile!!!!
Way to go!!!
awesome, hot and loving these pics!! i'm so proud of my friend!!
DOOD! That third picture is cracking me up! What the hell is happening there?
Don't feel bad about the guy beating you. He apparently was fueled on Jackass and was more aerodynamic.
you made it though - that is the important thing. and it looks warm where you are! funny commentary. :)
I think that you look great on your photos.
I just discoverred your blog, and I like it a lot :) it's very inspirational.
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