- POM spends so much money on make up yet she looks like a greasy mess here.
- Big Girl Niece is wearing her "Swimming Puppy" goggles.
- The dirty diaper* in the left corner (not for Big Girl Niece - she is 3 and has been P.T. for a year.)
- The one that takes the cake.... DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER on in the background.
Yeah, so what? I watch THE DOG. And I watch it with kids around**? What?
I love when he speaks Pigeon, even though he's from Colorado. I love Beth and those boobs and her hair and her make up and her nails. I love how they hate everyone before they catch them, then they end up all buddy-buddy. I love trying to figure out how many damn kids he has! He is just pure awesomeness.
*I can't believe how many damn poopy diapers I had to change in such a short amount of time. How on earth do you moms do it???
**Actually, I probably only watched it for 2 mins then got talked in to watching Care Bears for the millionth time.
HAHAHAHAA Swimming puppy goggles! I can't believe she still has them. I got so annoyed with them after 1 day I threw them out (shhh don't tell my kids)
ok but really...did you have the 3 yr old change the diaper or did you do it? Be honest.
Hmmm...Dog or Care Bears? Tough call.
care bears ROCK! almost as much as DOG. Kids can poop an unusually large quantity in a short amount of time when the sitter is around. I swear they wait til momma and daddy are out of the house then they just let it all out... but in short spurts so the sitter has to do it over and over and over again. Keeps sitters from coming back and momma and dadddy from leaving. Its a conspiracy.
A friend of mine dressed up like Beth and had her hubby dress like Dog for Halloween. It was awesome.
Haha, that is so awesome. Next time, you should try having two in diapers. ;)
You can't beat the mullet on the Dog!
I love that show, it is hilarious. My BF always tries to convince me that Beth isn't fat. ROFL! He's so sweet.
Awww, your niece is SO cute!
The Dog was the first thing I noticed in the background. Gotta love a bleach blond leathered skin couple!
what a cutie!
I babysat on V Day. Kids poop a lot!
Super cute picture! Awwww... love nieces (and nephews) :)
The levels of awesomeness in the photo and this post are amazing.
Dog. Word.
Cute picture! Is Care Bears still on!?!?!!? :)
I live on Oahu and I am always on the lookout for Dog and I also avoid the places that he goes! :) I enjoy some Dog from time to time as well! :) And my girls have the Swim puppy and like to wear his goggles around! :)
Adorable pic. I love when kidless people (like us) watch nieces and nephews. Wackiness abound!
i dig those goggles. other funny's that you might not have noticed: beside the tv you have books. the small table next to the tv has fake grass in a breakable jar and pictures with breakable frames. these are funny to me, because my kids would throw all of that on the floor and stomp on it until it is all broken. after returning from the doc fromt he broken glass cuts, they would draw crayons on whatever is left of the tables, walls, even the tv screen. it's amazing how fast they can break things, throw things on the floor, and cover it with crayon or dry erase marker.
the goggles are so cute! and you really seem to have a lot of fun with your neice. dog doesn't appear on blue's clues so we don't get to watch him here.
I didn't even notice Dog in the background until you pointed it out!
I don't watch it, but I may need to give it a shot. I think my kids watch it from time to time...
This post is the best example ever of why I should stay focused while on confernce calls and not multi-task.
I almost:
A.) Laughed out loud
B.) Spit Diet Coke all over my computer from laughing
C.) Laughed again thinking about Beth and the boobs the hair and the nails.
That show is like a trainwreck. I don't want to watch, yet I can't look away.
And every time I watch it I'm amazed by Beth - oh, and the roach clip feathers in Dog's sweet mullet.
Totally missed the diaper. But my first thought was "Who is that on the television?". Seriously, that is the first thing I saw... lol.
She is adorable and so are you!!!
She is adorable and so are you!!!
My eyes couldn't decide where to focus with Dog and those goggles up for offering. Priceless.
Kids are cute when you can give them back =).
Your label says it all: best babysitter ever.
LOL...that looks like my house any given day.
I would laugh at your update status of watching care bears..
Looks like a great weekend with your girls!!
HA! I admit... I like THE DOG also. Sad... I swore I'd never watch (even way before his 'incident') but I caught it one day and was hooked! Haven't watched in ages, though.
Love your blog. Add the "follow me" widget?
Haha- funny post.
I especially like the juxtaposition of the "Home Sweet Home" sign with Dog and the dirty diaper. Awesome.
Dog is a great family show... :-) I'm a big fan too.
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