You guys knew this time would come. I'm outta here for another trip. I will probably be able to post a few updates while I'm gone. My goal will be to try to get a couple workouts in, eat tons of fruit and no sweets.
This will be my 3rd trip to Costa Rica. I love it to pieces.
Costa Rica has these amazing passion fruits called Granadillas. You crack them open and eat the seeds. Cleans you out all day! Especially if you eat like 4 of them. ha ha.
Their food is so fresh and yummy. Gallo Pinto!!! Oh man, I can't wait.
And, of course, you can't forget about the Guaro. It's like a cross between vodka and rum, but it's clear and so yummy to make drinks with!!
You'll have to hold off on the Matt #3 story. Now I've built it up to be so great - it's really not so don't get your hopes up.
Adios Amigos and Pura Vida!
Oh my god I love granadillas! So jealous!
Sounds wonderful. Totally jealous! Have fun!!
Loooooooooove me some Costa Rica.
Gallo Pinto.... mmmmm.....
Buen viaje!
Have a fun and safe trip.
have a great trip! sounds like a lot of fun.
Have a great trip and stay safe!
Wish I was going somewhere tropical and warm.
I bought a shirt with that saying when we were there because it's just such a fun life..or at least vacationing there is a fun life
You're such a lucky girl! Costa Rica would be ammazzing! Have a great trip :-)
Have loads of fun! I loved Costa Rica but I don't remember trying that fruit; guess I'm just going to have to go back there so I can give it a taste ;)
Oh have fun!! Enjoy a cockatail on the beach for all of us stuck in late winter gloom.
Lucky duck!! Have fun and come home with a good story!
Granadillas are my FAVORITE!!! I'm from El Salvador, we have them there too. YUM!
Have a great trip! Hurry up so we can hear about Matt #3, the suspense is killing me! It's like my favorite soap opera going on hiatus! Gahhh! :)
Have fun!
Have a safe trip! Hope you get to relax and have a few drinks...
Enjoy your trip to Coasta Rica!
Have a great trip! Coasta Rica is on my top 10 places to visit some day.
Have fun and enjoy your trip!
Have a great fun amazing time p.o.m!!!!
I have TOTALLy enjoyed reading about your exes, LOVE it!
Have fun in Costa Rica, I've never been there but it's one of the places I really want to go!
have a fabulous trip!!!!
Oooh, have fun with your seedy fruits and magical drinks!
Try not to meet another Matt over there. Or, I guess that would be "Mateo".
oooooooh fried plantains!! they are the best :)
costa rica-yeah! have a great trip and enjoy your seeds
Bon Voyage! Looking forward to the 3rd M installment.
Mmmmmm... those look delish!
Safe travels as I anxiously await the M3 story! :)
hope you are CHILLIN and having a great time.
cant wait for you to return to us though :)
So is Matt 3 back?
Costa Rica? So things are going well...great!!
I'm still in Colorado and SERIOUSLY thinking of moving. Seriously.
Drop by sometime and see if you want my apartment.
wow, I'd love to go there. Fun! Those things look super refreshing!
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