But my girls???? My girls go to
A friend of a friend is a bathing suit designer. Check out her website. She had us all over to check out her line, try on stuff and find a bathing suit that best 'suits' your body.
I love love love bathing suits so you could imagine how freakin' excited I was about this.
There were about 15 girls there and before you know it clothes are flying and we're all having a blast. I ended up with 2 suits and seriously want to go back. The designer Nichole and her girls are soooooooooooooooo fun and sweet. She made you feel totally comfortable and the entire experience so fun. I can't wait to see her new collection coming out soon.
This is one of the suits I got. I can't wait for Costa Rica next month, then Mexico in April so I can show off my new suits. Start thinking about bathing suit season now girls. It will be here before you know it!

And you better believe that the second I left the house, I went STRAIGHT to the gym (and then tanning).
In other news, I decided NOT to out with the Smarmy guy. He's too borderline stalker-ish. He called me Fri, but I didn't anwer. Then he texted me asking when I was available. I didn't respond. Then he texted me about 3 hours later saying he was busy all weekend. Sure you are dude. Sure you are.
good call on the over friendly creep. :) Drinks asap or food. either way I'm a happy camper. Lets find you a hot boy. :) And that baiting suit part sounds too fun.
part = party. that sounds creeper. ha ha
"There were about 15 girls there and before you know it clothes are flying"
I often have this dream.
i wish i loved swimsuits - i definitely do not :) that one is SO cute though!
sounds like a good call on stalker smarmy.
Uh, yah I think guy definately has some stalkerish issues for sure! Good choice to steer clear!
Bathing Suit party on the other hand sounds totally fun!
I like the suit - and good choice on stalker guy. Holy moly. Saw He's Just Not That Into You this weekend - maybe he should go to it!!
Haha, sure he's busy all weekend, what a creep.
Lucky you getting to go on so many fun trips!! Love that suit.
That sounds like a fun party. I've never been to a swimsuit party before. But I certainly do need some new suits! The one you posted is very cute!
Yeah, that guy didn't sound like he was in your league!
Oh, and I LOVE the suits...might just have to pick me up a Monte Carlo! :)
cute swim suit! I wish I loved them, but the only ones that are "flattering" on my bod are ones that silver haired ladies model.
I wish I lived some place where I could wear swim suites and be tan all year. Sounds like a great party.
Hi there, got here from Chic Runner...
Good call with the guy, wine has a tendency to make people seem cooler...but in real life...they're just not...
That sounds awesome!!! I love the bikini that you picked out!! Super cute! Good call not to go out with the creeper....
Good call staying away from Smarmy. His "I'm busy" text seems a little immature...especially if not prompted by you.
I think his name should be SS, stalker smarmy!
Cute bathing suit! I love looking through victoria secret bathing suit mags but when I order I'm always curious why they don't look as good as they did in the mag! Ahhh...well...we can't all be Gisele.
Nice blog.
Good luck!!
Nico (Spain)
YAY for bathing suits!!!
Boo for the stalker!!!!
Have a great monday!!!
Thanks Jessica for rocking Tyler Rose Swimwear. Whoot Whoot, you girls were a blast. I feel honored you are all representing in Mex for April's wedding. All the ladies at the TRS Camp had a blast and love the group of girls that came. We will have a TRS Bikini n Bellini party anytime and I will personally fit you. Come one, come all and get into a bikini!
check us out @ www.tylerroseswimwear.com AND JOIN OUR BLOG!! See what the ladies of TRS are up to, www.walkpoolside.com
Thanks for the Love!
Wow, the bikini party sounds wonderful!! I really need a new swimsuit.
You didn't even respond to Smarmy guy? ahhh...
bathing suit party? Oh boy! Cute suit, BTW.
Yeah, I had a feeling about that guy...
A bathing suit party sounds like ZERO fun to me. Ha. I think this is the one time I can't relate to you.
But glad you had fun. Enjoy your new suits!
Nice! That sounds like so much fun. And that is a hot swimsuit. Costa Rica is so beautiful.
You would think we would have swimsuit parties in AZ! Sounds like fun!
OMG I'd probably poop myself at one of those par-tays LMAO!
Right on with Smarmy!
I have about 20 bikinis in my dedicated bikini drawer (yes, yes, I have a dedicated drawer). But do I ever wear them? Nope...I've got too much chubbs on me.
Sounds like a really fun party, and yet also my worst nightmare come to life -- I'm so torn! Rock on with your bikini bombshell self! :)
did you say costa rica...oh i love costa rica...oh man now I'm just thinking about going back...pretty sure I owuld not be trying on swim suits just yet, but maybe that would be a good motivator
Wow Costa Rica - how nice will that be! I'm not sure I'm ready for trying on a swimsuit but still - cool stuff...
I'll try some on in...June!
You be lookin damn skinny girl.
Are you done with...you know?
Are you guys still getting business?
Aren't they always? Seriously dude, how can an ego be that hard to demonstrate? Really.
Sweet suit chica! You're going to look fantastic!
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