Two more ell-bees down (see sidebar).
Saturday was so supa dupa fun. Dr. Dev and I headed to Laguna Canyon for a nice hike/trail run. She was planning on hiking and looking at flowers/plants, because that's her thang. I was planning on running. We had the perfect combo of both! Overall, we did about 7 miles. I would say we ran 4-5 of those. I sometimes forget how many amazing spots there are here in So Cal. It was especially interesting because Dr. Dev was pointing out all these natural wonders that I would have missed if I was running alone. But please don't test me because I would never remember the names of any of these plants. It's going to be my mission to step out of my comfort zone and check out my places. (I think I've said this before).
Please enjoy this lovely pic, courtesy of Dr. Dev and also please enjoy the fanny pack I am wearing. Over those hills, you can see the ocean. It's awesome. I heart Laguna.
Cabo is in about a week. I won't be at my goal weight, but at least I'm heading in the right direction. My sister took some photos this weekend while we were at the beach. No way in hiz-ell those are going to be posted. I even flinched when I saw them. ARGH. Note to self: Forget to bring camera to Cabo.
And, for those that are wondering, I am going to Cabo with 2 girlfriends, their hubbies and......
The loadmaster is back!! sweet. have fun!
Nice work! Getting closer each week. Yes, I hate cringeworthy photos.
Congrats on the weight loss. I too hate seeing those pics that look worse than one originally thought they would.
I hope this means the Loadmaster (heh, funny) has gotten over his commitment issues.
Have a great time in Cabo! :)
Whoa, whoa, whoa - the loadmaster? We need details!!!
Well done on the weight loss!!
The Loadmaster? Seriously? Hope things go well....
About 50% of ALL my photos are cringe-worthy these days. Have fun in cabo!
As an environmentalist, I'm all for recycling (of the mens).
I'm certain you're still a stunnah at 140!
Have a blast on your trip...and take your camera but have people shoot down on you...you lose 10 pounds instantly:) I know, I do it all the time, ha!
Great adventure. I like the picture seems the place is very beautiful. Good post there.
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