Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Fun

I stole this from Laura. You can have a word cloud made from your blog too. Go ahead. Try it. Of course "word cloud" reminds me of a "brain cloud" and I definitely would not want one of those. Anyone remember what fantab movie that term came from?

Basically, these are the words that come up most frequently in my blog:

Not to surprising: Beach, Captain, Eat, Love, Like, Marathon, Run, Runner, Running, Work. But I didn't realize I talked about being sick so often or OLD. What is that about? And apparently I talk about Nancy and Marcy alot. Sheesh, why wouldn't I? (Wink, wink).


Drusy said...

I wondered what these were on people's blogs! (not enought to find out...) So thanks for clarifying what should have been obvious! Regards!

Nancy said...

WOOO HOO, I'm cloud worthy!! Love it!

J~Mom said...

That is cool!

teacherwoman said...

That's too fun!

Marcy said...

ROFLMAO!! Ohhhhh shiz! I totally am picking this baby up for my next post. Thanks chica!

Reluctant Runner said...

You have "glamorous" in your word cloud. How cool is that?!

Anonymous said...

Very fun! And you have two of my favorite things in your cloud - beach and chocolate

Mendy said...

I'm so doing one of those. However, mine would point to my negativity, I'm sure.

Laurel said...

Joe vs the Volcano ;)

David said...

Who would want a brain cloud? You'd have to horde up a bunch of orange soda for the Wapponi Woo! And just hope that your Louis Vuitton luggage will float for a few days until you reach the island.

Laura N said...

Brain cloud... Joe Vs. Volcano. One of my all time favorite movies. "That outfit's wearing you, Felix" is one of those lines we use all the time when someone in the family is wearing something goofy.

RunToTheFinish said...

ohh I totally have to go get one now!

Anonymous said...

That's totally cute! I will probably copycat on a day when I feel like I should blog but don't know what to write ;)

Viv said...

That is cute! Going to have to give it a try.

eurydice said...

ah, that's so cute!

eurydice said...

ah, that's so cute!

eurydice said...

ah, that's so cute!

eurydice said...

whoops didn't mean to say it a hundred times haha