Wednesday, March 5, 2008

7 Things...

CollegeGirl tagged me so I thought I would indulge since I'm too busy to think about anything else to write:

7 Random/Weird Things
The rules:

  • Link to the person who tagged you.
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
  • Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

7 Weird Things about me:

  1. Running a marathon gave me the confidence that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.
  2. I look forward to long plane rides so I don't have to do anything for extended periods of time except read and drink wine. I want to have a shirt made that says "don't talk to me" so I can wear it on airplanes and not have to talk to the annoying person next me about their stupid vacation. I currently do anything in my power to avoid these conversations including wearing my headphones (not turned on) so I can pretend like I can't hear them.
  3. I have a really good memory for details/events/situations/conversations, but can't remember people's names to save my life.
  4. My friends & family think I lead an exciting life, but I think I'm really quite boring.
  5. I love picking at things (especially pimples) - even on other people.
  6. I drive an old piece of crap car. I've had it for 12 years. I am really embarassed when I valet. Plus it's ALWAYS dirty.
  7. These lame 7 things took me way to long. See, I am boring.

Ran 4 yesterday morning. Very lovely. Will run in morning tomorrow since will be flying for over 10 peaceful hours. Not sure how often I will be able to blog while in Fiji. So, check back later :)


Anyone who needs something to write about :)


chia said...

POS car for POM? Good on you :-). Buying a new car was the dumbest decision I've ever made.

Safe travels, and smooth move on the earbuds :-)

Nancy said...

Safe trip!! I hope the blow hards leave you alone on the plane!! I love the "downtime" too.

Viv said...

Have a supah safe trip. Relax on the plane!! I hope you get to enjoy some fun time in Fiji while not working. Take plenty o pics :-)

Stuart said...

I am all over that ignoring people on the plane thing, i even have eye shades...makes reading a book a bit tricky though!

Have a safe trip.

Unknown said...

WTF??? Fiji? Are you kidding me? *THUD* I just fell off the chair. Oh man, I am drooling all over my keyboard just thinking of myself running on the beach of Fiji. Have a GREAT time!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have THE BEST time, and seriously, if you go to and have that t-shirt made, I promise to order multiples!

I love picking too.... I'll occasionally see a blackhead on a stranger that calls to me, but I find ways to distract myself so as not to embarrass either of us...

Have THE BEST time!!!

Marcy said...

3 and 5 are totally me too. John always gets mad because I'm like "I see a zit, let me pop it" Yeah I'm gross LOL

teacherwoman said...

I can sooo see you wearing a shirt that says "don't talk to me"... hahaha! Too funny.

Maddy said...

I also like to not talk on the plane. I go for the window seat, headphones and either a trashy magazine or sleep - or pretend to sleep.

Sarah said...

Have a great time in Fiji!!

Jess said...

I also have a POS car. "The Green Hornet" is pretty ghetto!

And I am also a picker. I delght in it. I am gross.

Lori said...

I can't stand the people that think it's fun to chat on planes. Just leave me be and we'll both be happy ;)

Have yourself a wonderful trip! I can't imagine how that wouldn't happen going to Fiji and all!

RunnerGirl said...

Have a great trip, can't wait to hear all about it!

Tammy said...

The worst was the lady who tried to sell me vitamins on the plane. Ugh!

Enjoy your trip!

Lily on the Road said...

As an ex-flight attendent, I've seen it all, pull the blankie up and wear sunglasses....they'll think you've "passed on" and leave you alone!!!


Unknown said...

I have already had a POS car. its awesome. hahhaa.

Good job on the run!

TonyP said...

I love picking at things (especially pimples) - even on other people ???

I don't know what to say.

Have a safe trip.

Sarah said...

I too drive a POS car that is eons old, and have done the dead headphone many a a time - after the old lady coming back from Utah told her entire geneology that she just found in the LDS temple. BOOOORRRINNNNGGGGG.

Carly said...

I need to get one of those "don't talk to me shirts" for the airplane. I always get a person's life story and these stories always include full medical detail....which I LOVE to hear.

My Life said...

I completely hear you on #2. I *loved* the airplane part of my work traveling. Stuck on a plane with a mess of magazines, my book and free wine... bring it!

Hope you're having an amazing trip!

Laurel said...

I'm write there with you on 2 and 3. Although the thought of picking other peoples zits makes me want to barf all over the place.