Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Leftover Wine

Leftover wine?
Who am I kidding?
A bottle is opened.
A bottle is drunk.

Morning Run?
After a bottle of wine,
there is NO SUCH THING.

Invisalign Update:
Major case of the ouchies last night at the ortho. Some of my teeth had to be FILED down to make more room for them to move. It was not fun. The wine helped. My teeth still hurt, but I can actually feel them moving more, which is good. Eating sucks right now though. I have some killer leftovers from dinner last night because it was painful to eat. I'm being a total baby, right?

Yoga tonight - cute tattoo boy - enough said.

Song of the day: Black and Gold by Sam Sparro


Aron said...

eating is the WORST when your teeth hurt :(

have fun at yoga tonight!!!! :)

Heather said...

Ah yes the filing. A total bitch, and it always left me with a headache. I smpathize.

Lily on the Road said...

Ewww, have you got bands now girl??

I can sympathise

but, mmmm the wine wont' help much, other than give you a pain in the head other than your teeth.

Unknown said...

Oh the filing...ouch. I'm afraid that I've spent soo much time off of my invisaligns they're going to want to redo them all...and that's going to hurt (mouth and pocket book.)

Jess said...

You need to get the boxes of wine (I swear they are a far cry from the Franzia of yore). They have like four bottles in there, and with the tap, you can just have a glass or two and not feel as though you should polish it off. Not that that doesn't happen sometimes anyway...

Ian said...

I figure that if Catholic Priests aren't allowed to have leftover wine then I'm certainly not allowed to have leftover wine.

Sarah said...

Oh I totally fell for the open wine bottle trick on Sunday! I wanted one glass around 4pm... a few hours later I was emptying the bottle into my glass...

Maybe the trick is to start buying those smaller tetra packs of wine... but I think the 'juice-box' appeal would just make me want to put a straw in it and ingest it faster!

Alisa said...

Oooh..ouch! Is that what I have to look forward to? I have invisalgn too...I'm in my second week. Going in two weeks for a "checkup."

Yay for cute tatoo boy, too bad there wasn't any eye candy for Gazelle's and I on Saturday. We're committed to going three times next week--GO US!

RooBabs said...

You are totally not a baby. Any kind of pain in your mouth really sucks. I had regular braces (back in the day), and for a while I had to have a contraption in the top of my mouth that widened my teeth (does that make sense? you know, making them not such a tight U-shape). I feel your pain.

Are you going to give cute tattoo yoga boy a nickname, or just leave it as is? Oh, I forgot, no more boy talk- nevermind. = )

jen said...

Ha ha, so true about "leftover wine." Enjoy yoga!

B. Kramer said...

I approach my drinking like No Child Left Behind. And that is why I run in the afternoon.

Viv said...

You are not being a baby. Eating should not be painful. Maybe I should have the dentist jack up my teeth so I will be forced to step away from some eating.

No boy talk?!? That is it, I love my POM boy talk. Maybe you can put on here what goes down at yoga with tatt yoga boy in really small letters so it like you really did not reveal anything. small letters=not sharing, but sharing

Anonymous said...

*purrr* flexible inked male... me likes!

Hope your mouth is feeling more Smurfy soon :-)

N.D. said...

Have fun @ yoga! Those invisalign things - how long do you have to wear them? They seem cool though, like they work. Good thing you enjoyed the wine - hope eating was easier today!

Romance said...

Oooh, I have missed a run or two due that wine bottle trick... Two glasses (albeit big ones) is still runnable the next morning- more than that and its game over... or a puny little run... sometimes I make myself go run as an odd form of penance if I drink more, but my mileage and mile time suck fantastically and it bums me out... though it works as a form of aversion therapy...

Who am I kidding, its miserable running the day after too much wine...

That filing sounds nasty....

Kelly Olexa said...

Leftover wine - I have never heard anyone say that Ha ha.

Enjoy the yoga girl!!

Judi said...

Such a lush! j/k....

Chellie has Issues said...

I just found your blog today and love that you are a runner. I've just been running a year and I love it. I've only done 3 races but want to conquer a 1/2 marathon this year. SOrry about the teeth. I had braces and other things that hurt like hell so I feel your pain. Wine does make everything better doesn't it?

Carly said...

A bottle of wine is 10 weight watcher points. I go for the gusto rather than by glass.

Ouch to the teeth. wine was always my drug of choice after a visit to the orthodontist.

M*J*C said...

Have fun with yoga boy! As you can see from the pic on my blog...I like me some tattooed boys!
Hope your teeth are feeling better!

Charmaine said...

What's going on with you know who?

Captain Dave reared his head with me again. He will not stop.

teacherwoman said...

oooh.. tattoo boy. any stories?

Unknown said...

Oh, that brings back memories of when I had braces! (Of course, I was too young to dull the pain with wine).

Have fun in yoga!

Nancy said...

Is it bad that our left over wine is usually bottle 3,4 or 5? Well, it depends who is over but sometimes it happens....

Running after wine? Almost never.

Michelle said...

p.o.m. how about putting the leftover wine in your water bottle as your running!! Then you can kill two birds with one stone!!!

Just a thought!!!


Unknown said...

Wine helps with everything:)

Meg said...

I'm the same way about wine. Before I know it, it's gone! You're not being a baby, when I had braces, moving teeth hurt, and I'd imagine filing them isn't comfortable. If the wine helps, drink up!

carla said...

I love your posts
I loathe your posts

your posts make me realize how dull a life I have and what a FUNFUNFUN life I once led (wink&asigh)


J~Mom said...

Oohh ouchie, I can feel my teeth move like that when I wear my retainer.